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Your Company Knowledgebase Feature Overview
Your Company Knowledgebase Feature Overview
Updated over 9 months ago

Your Company Knowledgebase allows administrators to share up-to-date documentation across the organization.

For example, standards, procedures, and manuals in Word documents, audio, or video can be uploaded by an administrator and are accessible to all users.

Your Company Knowledgebase is located under the Help Icon below:

After clicking on ‘Your Company Knowledgebase’ you will be presented with a new window:

An administrator can upload Videos in MP4V and MP4 formats, Music files in MP3 format, and numerous other documents including Word, Excel, PDF, Text Files, etc. Audio and video files can be streamed directly from iinsight.

As in the above M4V file example, when employees highlight a document from the list, they are presented with a preview screen which can be viewed/played by selecting the ‘Open File’ button.

Please also see the below example of the Preview screen for Word Format:

Excel format preview screen example:

MP3 format Preview screen example:

JPG format Preview Example:

PDF format example:

(PDF preview only shows the first page, to view the full PDF document click 'Open File')

Text File format example:

It is possible to add 1 or more documents at a time as there is an innovative ‘Multi Files’ Upload window available when you select ‘New’ then 'Add a file' then 'Next' as shown in the below screenshot:

This is really useful and allows you to drag files directly from your desktop or select the ‘Browse for Files’ button and select the file/s from the location you saved them in on your computer. When you have selected all the files you wish to add, you then need to select Upload Files and then Close to finish adding the files to ‘Your Company Knowledgebase’.

If you select the Delete button you will receive the below warning:

The Details button enables you to give your document a Title and Description or amend an existing document’s Title and/or Description.

Users wishing to modify the documentation need to gain permission that can be granted via the Admin/Manage Users/User Modify section of iinsight as shown below under the heading ‘Organisations Knowledgebase’ permission to Add/Edit/Delete/Company Document :

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