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Common Lists
Updated over 9 months ago

This area populates the default lists in the iinsight system such as credit card type, state, age, injury type, etc. This is what allows those things to be available in the dropdown box fields when clicked to enter data for that list type.

iinsight uses default lists that can be populated manually one at a time OR a list can be imported into iinsight using .csv format.

Located in Options > Admin Management Console > Common Lists tab:

Manually Populating a List

You can manually populate a list if you need to make a few small additions to the default list.

Select a type, ie; Nature of Injury, then click New enter the name of the condition, and click OK:

If you wish to allow users to enter custom values themselves when working on a case then under List type options check the "Accept values that are not in the list" and if you wish these to be added to the default lists then check "Add new values to the list".

Importing a List

If you wish to create a large default list for a list type OR delete multiple items at once without having to manually do each one at a time, then use the Import button.

The format that the list MUST be imported as is a CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv)

Click the Import button:

Now click Choose File and select your CSV file to be imported.

Next, check "Remove existing entries" if you wish to replace the current list or leave it unchecked if you simply want to add to the current list.

Click Upload, you will see your list generated here, and click Confirm to complete the import.

Lastly, click Save.

Note: You may need to refresh the browser after uploading a large list if it is not displaying right away in the Common Lists tab.

Saving a .CSV formatted list for iinsight

Open an Excel document and in the top cell type the List Type Name (exactly as it is in iinsight).

Now enter each item to be on the list on a new line as shown in this example:


When finished select Save As and then click Other formats:


Select the Save as type as CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv)

What you name the file is irrelevant (as long as it has the .csv extension).


After saving the CSV file it is now ready to be uploaded to the iinsight common lists.

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