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Discontinued - Historical HTML Invoice Templates
Discontinued - Historical HTML Invoice Templates
Updated over 9 months ago


Please note this article is for historical reference only and there is a new method of controlling invoice templates on IINSIGHT since release 6.3.3 using Custom MS Office templates which can be found in the following article on Managing Financial Templates.

If a new Invoice Template is required, the administrator can do so via the Options Menu.

However, we recommend that you contact BE Software and we will set this up for you.

  1. Select the Invoice Template tab, and click on +New

  2. Enter the details of the following:

    • Template Name (a new name for this template)

    • Template Interface (use the standard one unless you need a different format)

  3. Then enable/disable each of the required fields that are to appear on the invoice.

Grouping Options:

These options allow you to group invoices in 3 ways:

  • Standard Invoice

If selected allows you to order by Date and Time or Date and Charge code.

  • Group by Charge code, Description, and Date

  • Group by Charge code and Month

A table describing the field entries and their corresponding iinsight entries is provided below:

Enabled/Disabled Fields




The contact person of the Bill to

Companies menu Select Company - Company contacts tab - contact


The company address of the Bill to

Companies menu> ...Company> Company Details tab> Address


The total amount of the invoice including GST

Case List menu> costs > New activity or item


Case number

Assigned at New Case entry, Case List


Claim number

Case List>Case Details tab



Client name from the Case Number


The client's home address

Case List menu> Case ... address, suburb, stateetc


Cost Charge code

Charges List menu> Codes tab


The Assigned to person

New Case Wizard Step 5 & Case List – Case tab, Other – Assigned to

The Comcare Consultant ID number (appears in invoice as ID Number)

Admin Menu, User Details tab- Consultant ID


The Assigned to Provider Number

Admin Menu, Manage Team drop down- Select person and Edit to enter Provider No.


Case number

Case List menu> Case


Claim Number (appearing in the cost table)

Refer to "claim". Same number but differentposition on page.


Cost details

Add/Edit Activity, Details field


Cost amount

Calculated by iinsight – total of individual cost plus GST (if applicable)


The date of the Invoice

Case List menu> Accounts - auto


The date of birth of the client

New Case entry, Case Type (1 st screen) – DOB field.


Date the injury to the client occurred

New Case entry, Case Type (1 st screen) – Date of injury field. Or Case List menu> Client tab> Occurred field.


Issue of date

Automatically assigned when invoice issued


Referral date

New Case entry. Or Case List menu> Case tab, Referred on field.


Service contract

Charges List menu> Service contract list


The email of the primary contact

Admin Menu> Manage users dropdown> ... name> User details tab> User ID/email


Employer of client

New Case entry. Or Case List menu> Client tab, Employer field.


Excluding GST amount

Automatically populated by iinsight


The fax number of the Bill to

Companies menu> ...Company> Company contacts tab> ... contact> edit...> Fax


GST amount applicable

Automatically populated by iinsight


The injury that has resulted in the client being referred

New Case Wizard, Step 1 –Nature of injury & Client tab, Other Details - Nature of injury


The unique number which defines the invoice within iinsight

Case List menu> Accounts – automatically assigned


Case manager

Designated during New Case entry, Case List>Assigned to


Case manager email

Admin menu> Manage User – Select User >User ID/email


Cost notes

Case List menu> Notes tab


The Provider number for the location

Admin Menu, Manage Teams – Team list – Select Team and Edit to add/modify Provider No.


The terms agreed to in relation to the payment period

Options menu> Common Lists tab> List type: Payment Terms


The primary phone number of the Bill to

Companies Menu> Company details tab> Phone1


The position of the Bill to

Companies menu, Select Company - Company contacts tab – Edit contact - Position

Purchase order number

A field to enable a purchase order number to be displayed in the invoice

Quicklinks Invoice wizard and single invoice


Previous employer

New Case Wizard Step 2 & Client tab, Other Details - Employer


The Service Level Contract Provider Number.

Charges Menu, Select Service Contract – Provider No.

The name of the service provider

Treating Psychologist

Assigned to if Roles not implemented. Enable/disable function in Options, Invoice Template if field required.


Cost Rate

Case List menu> Costs Tab> Edit... item


Referred by

New Case entry. Or Case List menu> Case tab, Referred by field.

service provided to

In a company case, the department or area where the service was performed.

Case Wizard Step 1, contact details.


Cost time / Qty

Default time set up in Charges Menu> SelectService Contract and Activity > Duration (hours) or Time Frame (days). Can be modified when adding Activity.


Total amount payable

Calculated by iinsight – total of line items.


Total GST payable (inc GST)

Automatically populated by iinsight


The Assigned to person's provider number

Admin menu, Select user – User details, provider number.

If you enable all fields, these will be displayed in the invoice as in the example below:

Ensure you select your new invoice template in the Case List > Case tab so that when you generate an invoice your template will apply to it:

Cloning an Invoice Template

The Clone Invoice Template is extremely useful for clients who wish to have a new Invoice Template similar to an existing Invoice Template but with a new name and perhaps need one or more fields enabled/disabled as required.

Cloning an invoice template is an easy task: go to the Options Menu/Invoice Templates Button and then highlight an existing Invoice template you wish to clone. Then, select the Clone button as shown below marked with arrows:

After you have selected Clone, you need to give the Invoice Template a name as shown below and you may then disable or enable any fields you require to be excluded/included different to the template you cloned it from then select OK.

Grouped Invoice Templates

Although there are advantages to using grouped invoices there are also some disadvantages to using grouped invoices, please see the below information which should help you decide if you wish to use them or not:

  1. Invoices grouped and not grouped can’t be printed in one go (there is a selection for reporting):

  2. In the Finance page, the Invoices and Transactions tab was built for individual invoices. They won’t work with grouped invoices.

  3. In the Accounts tab, grouped invoices can’t be printed as the invoice isn’t created “per case”.

  4. Grouped invoices can’t be created from the case (only via quick links).

  5. Grouped invoices require specific templates.

​Grouped Invoice Templates settings can be found in the Options > Grouped Invoice Templates tab:

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