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Creating Invoice Templates
Updated over 10 months ago

Custom invoice templates can be created in MS Word with the help of our Templates Add-on. The information in this article below covers the different fields and grouping options available for these custom Invoice Templates.

For further information on the managing and assigning these templates to your Service Contracts and Cases please refer to the article Managing Financial Templates.

Creating Your Invoice Templates in MS Word:

Your custom Invoice Templates are made up 3 elements:

Just like with Documentation Templates on IINSIGHT you can create custom Invoice templates within MS Word using our Templates Add-on to help populate the variables required whilst maintaining all the standard formatting features available within MS Word.

Each of these areas have their own variables outlined in more detail in the Invoice Template Variables section of this article below. Please note that only certain variables can be used in certain elements so it is important to review this section if you are having any issue with layout or population of variables on your templates.

Invoice Details

Invoice details can be placed anywhere in your invoice template (before or after the invoice table, in headers, footers etc.).

An example of how you can use these can be seen in the image below where we have set out the top section of an invoice containing the Bill To's address details etc. in MS Word:


Invoice Table

The invoice table is where your line items and totals etc. will be displayed for the invoice.

Only 1 row of variables is required to be created in the table for your line items, and an example of a standard invoice table can bee seen in the image below:


Some of the variables used are quite long so don't worry if these linewrap when entering them into your table as can be seen in the example above. Just create your column widths based on the contact that will be populated into them and this will then resolve and look correct when the invoice data in input into them.


There are 3 different grouping options that can be applied to your invoice when you upload them to IINSIGHT, which are outlined further in the section on Uploading a New Invoice Template.

It is important to keep in mind the grouping you will wish to apply when creating your invoice table in the template as some column variables are not suitable for certain grouping types. An example of this would be the "Description" variable as this able to be used to on a "Standard" or "Charge Code, Description, and Date" invoice grouping, but NOT a "Charge Code and month" grouping layout.

If a variable is not suitable for a certain grouping option it is outlined in the description of the variable in the Invoice Template Variables as well as the Template Add-on application.

Invoice Breakdown

It is possible to append a full breakdown off all the activities and items that make up an invoice at the end of your main invoice independent to the columns or grouping that is being applied to your invoice table.

This is perfect for clients that wish to have more information supplied on the elements that make up an invoice, but still need a simpler invoice "front page" for their accounts.

When entering the Invoice Breakdown variables these MUST be within a table (however you can also still use any of the Invoice Details variables if required outside of this), and example of this can be found in the image below:


This Invoice Breakdown can be easily separated from the main invoice with the use of a "page break" before any breakdown information and also different page formatting can then be used (such as landscape page orientation if a wider table is required for more information), just on this section.

Adding a new Invoice Template

When your Invoice template(s) have been created uploading them to IINSIGHT is very simple and is done in the main Templates area of the system using the New button under the Financial Templates tab:


This will then open the New Finance Template window for you to upload your invoice template file as well as enter the details and set the grouping options:


Name is the name that you wish to apply to your new invoice template.

Template Description allows you to enter a short text description which can be viewed in the Templates table to help with admin and management of your finance templates.

Template Type needs to be set to "Invoice" when uploading an invoice template.

Grouping allows you to set the grouping option for the financial data outlined in the Invoice Table. 3 Options are given:

Standard Invoice

This option will outline every activity or item entered as a single line item on the invoice.

Charge Code, Description and Date

This option will group any activities or items into a single line item in the invoice table that are on the same date and have the same Charge Code and Description.

Charge Code and Month

This option will group any activities or items into a single line entry that are within the same month and have the Same Charge Code

Subtotal by allows you to select a subtotal ordering option of either nothing "-", or "Charge Code". Please note if grouping by "Charge Code" this will want to be set to nothing.

Order by is only available to be selected if the "Standard Invoice" grouping option is selected and then this can either be set to:

Date and Charge Code

This will order the line items on the invoice first by date (oldest to newest) and then by Charge Code (A to Z).

Date and Description

This will order the line items on the invoice first by date (oldest to newest) and then by Description (A to Z).

Template File allows you to either "drag and drop" or browse for your template file to upload it to your IINSIGHT system.

To complete the creation process after all required details have been entered, click "OK".

For further information on managing and assigning your templates please refer to the article Managing Financial Templates.

Invoice Template Variables

In the Templates Add-on you will notice that there are several tabs that run across the top of the application. Please note that ONLY the variables available within the Invoice Templates Fields tab are able to be used in your Invoice Templates:


Invoice Detail Variables:

The following Invoice Template Field variables for your "Invoice Details" can be used anywhere on your Invoice Template:

Invoice Template Field



Assigned To (Consultant ID)


The consultant ID of the "Assigned To" employee/ user on the case

Assigned To (Email)


The email address of the current "Assigned To" employee/user on the case

Assigned To (Job Title)


The job title of the "Assigned To" employee/user on the case

Assigned To (Medicare Provider No)


The medicare provider no. of the "Assigned To" employee/user on the case

Assigned To (Name)


The full name (excluding title) of the "Assigned To" employee/user on the case

Assigned To (Provider Number)


The provider registration number of the "Assigned To" employee/user on the case

Bill To (ABN / Company No.)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) ABN / Company Number

Bill To (Company name)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) company name

Bill To (Email)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) contact's email address

Bill To (Fax)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) contact's fax number

Bill To (Full Address)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) full address

Bill To (Full Name)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) contact's full name

Bill To (Phone 1)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) contact's primary phone number

Bill To (Position)


The invoicee's (Bill To's) contact's position

Case Number


The case number of the case.

Claim Number


The "Claim Number" case field information

Client (Date Of Birth)


The client's date of birth

Client (Full Address)


The clients full contact address "location" on the case

Client (Full Name)


The client's full name

Contract Number


The "Contract Number" case information

Date Occurred


The date "Occurred" case field information (for the Condition/Injury)

Date Of Referral


The date "Referred on" case field information

Doctor Name


The "Doctor Name" case field information

Doctor Provider Number


The "Prov. No." case field information (relating to the "Doctor" case field")

Employer (Address)


The "Employer" contact's full address

Employer (Company Name)


The "Employer" contact's company name

Internal Case No


The "Internal Case No." case field information

Invoice Date


The date of the invoice

Invoice No.


The invoice number

Invoice Notes


The invoice note

Invoice Payment Terms


The invoice payment terms

Medicare / NI Number


The "Medicare/National Insurance Number" case field information

Nature of Injury/Condition


The "Nature of Injury/Nature of Condition" case field information

Participant Number


The "Participant No." case field information

Plan Amount Approved


The total value approved on the current active plan on the case

Plan Amount Remaining


The total value remaining on the current active plan on the case

Plan Approval Number


The "Approval Number" of the current active plan

Plan Billed To Date


The total value billed to date against the current active plan on the case

Plan Date Range


The date range of the current active plan on the case

Plan End Date


The end date of the current active plan on the case

Plan Paid To Date


The total value paid to date against the current active plan on the case

Plan Start Date


The start date of the current active plan on the case

Provider Number


The "Provider Number" case field information

Purchase Order


The invoice / case "Purchase Order No."

Referral Category


The "Referral Category" case field information

Referred by


The "Referred By" case field information

Referrer (Name)


The "Referrer" contact's full name

Referrer (Provider No)


The "Referrer" contact's provider number

Services Provided To


The "Services provided to" case field information

Team Provider Number


The "Provider Number" of the Team assigned to the case

Invoice Table Variables

The below Invoice Template Fields can ONLY be used in a table containing the financial line items on the invoice:

Invoice Template Field



Invoice Table - Assigned To


The name of the "Assigned To" employee/user on the case for the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Case No


The case number of the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Charge Code


The "Charge Code" of the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Claim No


The "Claim Number" on the case for the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Cost Date


The "Date" of the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Cost ID


The "Cost ID" of the invoice line item (will only work properly with "Standard" invoice grouping)

Invoice Table - Description


The "Description" of the invoice line item (will not work properly with "charge code and month" invoice grouping)

Invoice Table - Details


The "Details" of the invoice line item (will only

Invoice Table - Employee


The full name of the employee/user assigned to the invoice line item (will only work properly with "Standard" invoice grouping)

Invoice Table - File Note


The "File Notes" of the invoice line item (will only work properly with "Standard" invoice grouping)

Invoice Table - Line Exc Tax


The value excluding tax for the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Line Tax


The value of tax for the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Line Total


The total value of the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Qty / Durn


The quanity or duration of the invoice line item

Invoice Table - Rate


The "Rate" of the invoice line item (this will recalculate based on Qty / Durn if invoice line item grouping is performed across different rates)

Invoice Table - Service


The "Charge Code" and "Description" of the invoice line item shown as Code:Description (will not work properly with "charge code and month" invoice grouping)

Invoice Total Amount Payable


The total value of the invoice

Invoice Total Duration


The invoice total duration (hh:mm)

Invoice Total Exc Tax


The total value of the invoice exclusing tax

Invoice Total Quantity


The invoice total quantity (units/items)

Invoice Total Tax


The total value of tax on the invoice

Total Billed To Date


The total value billed to date on the case to the current "Bill To"

Total Paid To Date


The total value paid to date on the case by the current "Bill To"

Total Reimbursements


The total value of any reimbursements raised against the invoice

Invoice Breakdown Variables

The below Invoice Template Fields can ONLY be used in a table containing the breakdown details of the line items on the invoice:

Invoice Template Field



Breakdown - Activity / Item Name


The "Description" of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Charge Code


The "Charge Code" of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Cost Details


The "Details" of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Cost ID


The "Cost ID" of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Date Of Cost


The "Date" of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Emp. Role


The "Role" of the employee/user assigned to the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Employee


The "Employee/User" assigned to the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - File Note


The "File Notes" of the line item in the invoice breakdown ("Privileged" notes will be excluded)

Breakdown - Line Ex Tax


The total value excluding tax of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Line Tax


The total value of tax of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Line Total


The total of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Qty / Durn


The "Quantity/Duration" of the line item in the invoice breakdown

Breakdown - Rate


The "Rate" of the line item in the invoice breakdown

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