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IINSIGHT 6.2.2 Release Notes
Updated over 10 months ago

ORAMS Invoice Data Sheet Report

We have created a new report in the Reports menu displaying financial information including reference number, client/participant details, service details and costs.


The below fields will automatically populate into the Report from iinsight when entered:


Most of these fields are self explanatory, however, to help understand the fields that may need some more explanation (marked with arrows above), we would like to add some more clarity.

For the purpose of this Report, ‘Provider’ is your own company name such as BE Software.

If you go to Options/Financial Settings/Company Name Field/ you can add your own company name to display in the ‘Provider’ Column of the Invoice Data Sheet Report:


Referral ID is a new field we have available in Case List/Fields Edit which is disabled by default and you just need to enable it (as below):


Referral ID will then show in the Case List/Case Tab as below:

  • Case Reference field is the iinsight case number.

  • Rehabilitation Case Manager field is the Bill To Contact name in iinsight .

  • Service Description field is populated from the Details tab when you create a billing:


Editing notes from invoiced costs is now possible in the Case List/Costs tab

Editing notes on Invoiced costs is now possible on the Case List/Costs Tab.

As per the below example if you select Edit for an invoiced cost you can now edit the case note and it will show in the case notes tab:


Editing notes from invoiced costs is now also possible in the Timesheets/Details tab

Editing notes from invoiced costs is now also available on the Timesheets/Details Tab.

As per the below example if you go into the Timesheet/Details tab for an invoiced cost you can now edit the case note and it will show in the case notes tab:

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