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Step 2: Employment Details
Updated over 9 months ago

The Employment Details step is unique to cases opened for individuals and will be skipped in the circumstance of a case being created for a company.

It is during the second step of case creation that the full employment information, along with employer contact details of the client. This step may involve the entry of quite a bit of information, or very little, according to the client's employment status. To begin this process, the user states the client's current employment status (employed, on leave, unemployed, etc), along with the client's current employment position and department.

When the name of the client's employer is entered, iinsight will automatically search for any prior record matching this name. If any record is found, the contacts associated with this employer will be retrieved and can be selected by the user to be automatically associated with the new case. If no contacts are found, or if the relevant contact has not previously been entered then the user can create a new contact using the fields on the right-hand side. Iinsight will store the identity, address and contact details of the relevant contact within the business currently employing the client as a permanent contact record. This contact record will be associated with the case, and can be retrieved to serve as a contact for any case created in the future.

  • Client Current Status

The employment status of the client at the time of their referral.

  • Position

The employment role of the client at the time of their referral.

  • Dep.

The department of the client's employer in which they were employed at the time of their referral.

  • Employer

The identity of the organization with which the client was employed at the time of their referral.

  • Contacts

When the Company or Contacts field has been entered the Iinsight system will immediately check its records for any contacts previously associated with this company or any contacts matching the name provided (with their associated company). If any are found, they will be listed in the Contacts drop-down and made available to the user. Clicking one of these contacts will populate the Contact Details fields with the selected contacts information.

  • The 'Clear' Button

Clears all the Contact Details fields and de-selects any contact chosen in the 'Contacts' field.

  • Company

The identity of the company with which the client's employment contact is affiliated.

  • Title

The title or salutation of the client's employment contact.

  • First Name

The first name of the client's employment contact.

  • Last Name

The surname of the client's employment contact.

  • Position

The position with their organization of the client's employment contact.

  • Department

The department of their organization with which the client's employment contact is affiliated.

  • Address, Suburb, State, Postcode

The postal address of the client's employment contact. This is typically the postal address of the organization with which they are affiliated.

  • Email

The contact email address of the client's employment contact.

  • Phone 1

The primary contact telephone number of the client's employment contact.

  • Phone 2

The secondary contact telephone number of the client's employment contact.

  • Fax

The fax number of the client's employment contact.

  • Mobile

The mobile telephone of the client's employment contact.

  • Job Title

The job title of the client's employment contact. This is primarily used to ensure that automatically generated documentation contains accurate content.

  • Notes

Notes related to the client's employment contact, will be stored permanently alongside the case entry.

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