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Contacts Tab
Updated over 9 months ago

The 'Contacts Tab' contains functionality to search for, manage, and create contacts associated with the currently selected case.

These contacts serve as a record of the individuals within the Bill To organization, as well as a record of the case referrer and the client's employer.

This functionality is managed through the use of the simple interface controls detailed below.

  • New

Clicking the 'New' button will open the New Contact interface, allowing the user to create an entirely new contact to be associated with the currently selected case.

  • Delete

Clicking 'Delete' will prompt the user to confirm before permanently removing the contact from the Iinsight system. In the circumstance of the contact being the Bill To, Employer, or Referrer for any case or being associated with any invoices within the Iinsight system the user will be notified of this association and it may only be possible to disable, rather than delete the contact in question. This is generally the case if there are invoices associated with the contact - these will need to remain as part of the audit trail. In this instance, "disable" the contact is the only option.

Note: Deleting a contact from the contacts tab will delete or disable them from ALL other cases AND be company list contacts.

  • Edit

Clicking the 'Edit' button will open the Edit Contact interface, allowing the user to update or edit any required information regarding the currently selected contact.

  • Export

The "Export" button is used to export the contact list in the Excel form.

  • All Contacts dropdown

The 'All Contacts' dropdown is used to filter the contact list based on contact status (Active, Disabled)

  • The Search Field

The search field is filled by the user to define the information based on which the list of contacts will be filtered.

  • The 'by' Dropdown

The 'by Dropdown' allows the user to define the condition based on which the contacts list will be filtered when they search. For example, if this dropdown is set to 'Company', clicking 'Find' will filter the list to only include those contacts associated with a company that matches the text entered in the search field.

  • Find

Clicking 'Find' will filter the currently displayed contacts list according to the query and condition set by the Search Field and Criterion Dropdown.

  • Fields Edit

This button is used to determine the information columns displayed for each contact currently shown in the contacts list.

Details Sub-screen

  • Phone 1

The primary contact telephone number of the currently selected contact.

  • Phone 2

The secondary contact telephone number of the currently selected contact.

  • Fax

The fax number of the currently selected contact.

  • Mobile

The mobile telephone number of the currently selected contact.

  • Address Suburb State Postcode Country

The postal address of the currently selected contact.

  • Notes

A space to store short-form notes regarding the currently selected contact. This can be any information sufficiently relevant to be recorded, including details regarding the contact's role or ideal times and means of reaching the individual in question.

Status Icons

The Contact is Enabled

The Contact is Disabled

The Contact is the Bill To

The Contact is the Referrer

The Contact is the Employer

This Contact is the Bill To CC

Creating a New Contact

The process of contact creation is quite simple, and not dissimilar to editing a contact, save that all of the contact details must be provided, rather than simply those details which are to be changed.

The contact creation process requires the user to provide information as follows.

  • Company

The identity of the company with which the new contact is to be affiliated. The user should first check for the company to view all existing records and select from these. This avoids duplication of contacts within iinsight.

  • Contacts

When the Company field has been entered the Iinsight system will immediately check its records for any contacts previously associated with this company. If any are found, they will be listed in the Contacts drop-down and made available to the user. Clicking one of these contacts will populate the Contact Details fields with the selected contact information.

  • Title

The title, or salutation, of the new contact.

  • First Name

The first name of the new contact.

  • Last Name

The surname of the new contact.

  • Position

The position within the organization of the new contact.

  • Department

The department of their organization with which the new contact is to be affiliated.

  • Address Suburb State Postcode

The postal address of the new contact. This is typically the postal address of the organization with which they are to be affiliated.

  • Email

The contact email address of the new contact. If the contact has additional email addresses they can be added in the notes section.

  • Phone 1

The primary contact telephone number of the new contact.

  • Phone 2

The secondary contact telephone number of the new contact.

  • Fax

The fax number of the new contact.

  • Mobile

The mobile telephone of the new contact.

  • Job Title

The job title of the new contact. This is primarily used to ensure that automatically generated documentation contains accurate content. The job title has a number of default or imported job titles available for selection, these job titles, eg; treating doctor, employer, etc (indicated by a grey bar above the list). These job titles can be used in conjunction with the associated variables in documents for the case.

  • Notes

Notes related to the new contact will be stored permanently to serve as information for users.

  • Roles

By checking each of the three checkboxes associated with the case Bill To, the client's Employer, and the client's Referrer the user can specify the capacities in which the new contact will serve.

  • The 'Clear' Button

Clears all of the Contact details fields and de-selects any contact chosen in the 'Contacts' or 'Company' fields.

Edit Contact

When the Edit Contact interface is opened by clicking the 'edit' button as detailed above, the user will be presented with the opportunity to make any required changes to the currently selected contact. This is a simple process, which simply requires that the necessary fields be updated before the user gives confirmation by clicking "Ok".

The Edit Contact interface specifies contact details according to the following format.

  • Company

The identity of the company with which the selected contact is affiliated. This cannot be altered within this functionality.

  • Roles

By checking each of the three checkboxes associated with the case Bill To, the client's Employer, and the client's Referrer the user can specify the capacities in which the selected contact is serving.

Note: Should the Bill To Contact need to be changed, a new user should be added and selected as the Bill To. This changes the billing contact for ALL future invoices (and will not affect prior invoices). This is the ONLY way to make this change within iinsight.

Contact Search

When adding a contact to a case, if unsure what the company name is or the contact name itself is, you can search for them just by typing in part of a contacts name or company name.

Typing in part of a name for a contact will display a list of possible names and their associated company:

Typing in part of the company name for a contact will display a list of possible company names.

After the company is selected a list of all contacts in that company will appear for the contact field:

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