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Step 4: Bill To Company
Updated over 9 months ago

During the fourth step of case creation, the user will provide the details of the company to which the case is to be billed.

The first step is to specify the unique claim number and/or the internal case number of the case, along with the date on which the case was opened and the notification date. The standard practice is to use the client's Jobseeker ID Number or the referrer's claim number for this purpose.

Once the name of the company to which billing should be processed is entered in the 'Bill To:' field the iinsight System will search for any prior contacts associated with this organisation, who will be made available to select as the relevant billing contact. This process can also be streamlined by clicking the 'Referrer' or 'Employer' buttons, which will allow the user to copy the contact details for either of these agencies to serve as the billing contact information for the newly created case. This is primarily useful in the circumstance of employers referring their own staff.

If no contact is found, or if the suitable contact has not previously been entered, the user will be able to create a new contact by entering their details into the 'Contact Details' fields on the right-hand side.

  • Claim No

The claim number is a unique identifier referring to the new case. This is typically the client's Jobseeker ID, or the referring organisation's claim number.

  • Internal Case Number

Required for Defence contracts and invoices.

  • Opened On

The date on which the billing for the new case was opened with the Bill To Company.

  • Notification On.

The date on which notification of the case itself was delivered to the Bill To Company.

  • Bill To

The identity of the company to which the case expenses are to be billed.

  • Contacts

When the Bill To field has been entered the iinsight system will immediately check its records for any contacts previously associated with this company or contact name. If any are found, they will be listed in the Contacts drop-down and made available to the user. Clicking one of these contacts will populate the Contact Details fields with the selected contacts information.

  • The 'Same As Referrer' Button

In the circumstance of a case being billed to its referrer the user is able to copy all of the client's referrer contact information to serve as the Bill To contact information by clicking the 'Same As referrer' button.

  • The 'Same As Employer' Button

It is common for a client to be billed to a client's employer, particularly in the circumstance of a workplace injury or if the employer is also the case referrer. In this circumstance, the user is able to copy all of the client's employment contact information to serve as the Bill-To contact information by clicking the 'Same As Employer' button.

  • Company

The identity of the company with which the client's Bill To contact is affiliated.

  • Title

The title, or salutation, of the client's Bill To contact.

  • First Name

The first name of the client is Bill To Contact.

  • Last Name

The surname of the client is Bill To Contact.

  • Position

The position with their organisation of the client's Bill To contact.

  • Department

The department of their organisation with which the client Bill To contact is affiliated.

  • Address Suburb, State, Postcode

The postal address of the client's Bill To contact. This is typically the postal address of the organisation with which they are affiliated.

  • Email

The contact email address of the client's Bill To contact.

  • Phone 1

The primary contact telephone number of the client is Bill To Contact.

  • Phone 2

The secondary contact telephone number of the client is Bill To Contact.

  • Fax

The contact fax number of the client's Bill To contact.

  • Mobile

The contact mobile telephone number of the client's Bill To contact.

  • Job Title

The job title of the client is Bill To Contact. This is primarily used to ensure that automatically generated documentation contains accurate content.

  • Case Notes

Notes related to the client's Bill To contact, which will be stored permanently alongside the case entry.

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