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IINSIGHT 6.7.0 Release Notes Part 2 - May 2023
IINSIGHT 6.7.0 Release Notes Part 2 - May 2023
Updated over 10 months ago

IINSIGHT version 6.7.0 brings you...

New Apple iOS and Android Mobile Apps

The new mobile application adds support for the User Location Tracking and Appointment Check In / Out features, as well as improved Biometric Authentication and Login methods.

This can be downloaded on supported mobile devices from the Apple App store and Google Play store using the below links, or by searching for "iinsight" in the stores on the device directly:

PLEASE NOTE: For apple users of all mobile phone versions the best option is to uninstall and re-install the App if a previous version is already installed.

Google Play Store:

PLEASE NOTE: If a user already has the current iinsight mobile app installed on their device, they will be prompted to update this and do not need to install from the store again.

Biometric Authentication and Login.

Biometric Authentication and Login can be setup on supported mobile devices, when using the iinsight Apple iOS or Android Mobile apps, to allow a users access the platform more quickly on the go via Face or Fingerprint recognition.

To do this a user must first login to the platform via the iinsight mobile application, using their usual Username and Password:


Followed by their MFA code:


After which they will be prompted to setup access via the supported Biometric Authentication on their device (in the screenshot below this is on an Apple iOS device using FaceID):

On subsequent logins to the platform, the user will just need to tap on the biometric authentication icon (e.g. FaceID) and this will log them in:


Should a different user account ever need to be accessed on the same device, or the users login details have changed, the new details can be entered again using "Login with a different account" at the bottom of the screen:

User Location Tracking

IMPORTANT: Please note the iinsight Apple iOS or Android mobile app needs to be installed on the users mobile device and used to access the platform when on the go for the user location tracking to work correctly. Location services/tracking must be enabled on the device for when the app is in use.

Enabling Tracking on a User account

Tracking can be enabled per user account in the Admin > Manage Users area, under the User Details tab via the setting Record User's Location:

When enabled, the system will start recording tracking data from the user based on the working hours set in under their Consultant Availability:

Monitoring locations in the User Location module

Once tracking is enabled, users current locations and statuses can be monitored in the new User Location module (found under the main menu):

The User Location module contains a large map (with all the standard Google Maps features you will be used to), of all online tracked users, as well as multiple selection criteria for you to be able to filter by specific teams, individuals or statuses:

The each user has their own pin icon showing their current location, that is colour coded to match their location status:

Filters can be applied to refine the users shown, using the options in the filters panel to the right of the map:

And these can be saved as a View to quickly select again, using the Save View options at the top left of the map:

By default the map will be set with Auto Refresh OFF and user locations can be manually refreshed using the "refresh icon":

However, Auto Refresh ON can be selected so the location of users is always live:

Selecting any of the statuses at the top right of the screen:

Will load a list of all users currently with this status:

PLEASE NOTE: should a user be seen as "offline" due to location services being disabled on their mobile device, a warning will be displayed next to their name in this list.

Lastly, clicking a user icon in the map will load a history of their route and stops for the day:

User Location User Permissions

Access to the User Locations module is controlled by several permissions in the User Access permissions tab:

Can manage app notification monitoring
This permission if enabled will allow the user to have access to the App Notification Monitoring tab in the Message Centre to see app notifications and Emergency Alert notifications.

Can access user location
This permission if enabled will allow the user access to the User Location module.
Can access user movement

This permission if enabled will allow the user to access the history of a users route and movements through the day, in the User Location module (not just their current location).

Can access all users

This permission if enabled will allow the user to access ALL users in the User Location module.

Can access all team members for this employee's team
This permission if enabled will restrict the user to only seeing users in the User Location module that are a member of the same team(s) as them.

User Location Report

If historical user location data is ever required, the User Location report in the main Reports module can be used to pull this information from a specific date:

As with all other reports in the main Reports module, the User Location report has its own access permission in the User View permissions called "Can view the User location report":

If this is disabled, a user will not be able to access the report.

"My Appointments" Appointment Check In / Out

The My Appointments area can be accessed via the calendar icon at the top right of the iinsight mobile app and will show a list of all the appointments a user has scheduled for the day:

This area can also be accessed using desktop devices if required via My Appts icon at the top right of the platform:

In the My Appointments window, a list of the appointments scheduled for the day is shown, along with information about the client, location and time:


Clicking on the pin icon next to an appointment, will open the appointment location in Google Maps for the user to ease navigation:

And the Check In button, allows the user to check into the appointment when they arrive:

PLEASE NOTE: a user will only be able to check into an appointment when they are at the location. Should they try to Check In prior to this, it will not let them and an error message will be received.

This button will change to Check Out once checked into the appointment, so a user can notify when they are finished and leaving or travelling to the next appointment:

If using the iinsight mobile app, notification will be sent to user on their device when approaching Check In / Out times to help remind them to perform this:

Emergency Alerts

Triggering Emergency Alerts

Emergency alerts can be triggered by a user on the go in the iinsight mobile app in the My Appointments window: tapping on the emergency alert icon at the top left:

When this is performed, a list of Emergency Options will display for the user to select from:


Once a user has selected the Emergency alert, a notification is sent immediately to other users in the platform, and these can be viewed in the Message Centre under the App Notification Monitoring tab:

And the user will be shown in the User Locations module under the Emergency List:

Setting Emergency Alert Options

Should it be required, the Emergency Alert options can be set on your platform in the Options > Common List area, under the User Location Emergencies list:

App Notification Monitoring

A history of all Emergency Alerts can be reviewed in the Message Centre:

Under the App Notification Monitoring tab:

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