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IINSIGHT 6.6.0 Release Notes - July 2022
IINSIGHT 6.6.0 Release Notes - July 2022
Updated over 9 months ago

IINSIGHT 6.6.0 brings you the below amazing key features:

  • HR module

  • External Forms Feature (inc. Referral Forms)

  • IINSIGHT Calendar Outlook Integration

  • Appointment Consultant Availability Feature

  • Tyro Integration

For more details on these excellent features please read further below:


There is an awesome and very versatile HR Module now available for the HR Staff to use (which is locked down by specific user permissions).

On iinsight via the Admin > Manage Users section we have added the below tabs:

  • “HR tab”, this tab will contain the following sub-tabs:

  • Roles (based on roles, filtered by HR roles)

  • Clearances (based on a common list

  • Competencies (based on a 2-level common list)

  • Training (based on a common list)

  • Specialist Areas (free text)

  • Registrations (based on a common list)

  • Equipment (based on a 2-level common list)

  • Referral Notes (free text)

  • Performance (based on a common list)

  • The “Documents” tab allows the uploading of documents: certificates, qualifications, or other documents against any employee.

  • The “Additional info” tab will contain “custom fields”. Custom fields will be edited via the existing custom field editing interface.

  • ”Vaccinations” tab (based on a common list)

  • Health and Safety tab.

  • HR Expiring Report section.

  • Ability to create new common lists

  • HR Module Permissions

  • HR Notes

HR Roles:

On iinsight via “Admin > Roles” we have added a checkbox to indicate if this role applies to the HR Module.


Once the “Add to HR Role” button is checked then a new checkbox is available “Role can convert to the case” and all the roles with this box checked can convert a referral form to a new case.


The “Roles” tab will allow to add one or more roles (i.e. disciplines), with “Effective Date” and “Manager Name”:


Also in the Roles section, we have added the ability to assign “Competencies”, “Clearances” and “Registration” to the roles.


The “Clearances” tab will show the available values in a common list. This common list will have a particular way to configure them: at the moment of creation, we will have a checkbox to indicate if it needs verification and if it has a date of expiry. If it’s checked, we’ll need to add its expiry date. Also, we will ask if a note section and a clearance registration number will be available.

As an example, a police check has an expiry date. This is a common example of “Clearances”:



The “Competencies” tab will allow HR employees to add one or more records, the option will be pre-filled on a common list (via iinsight -> options -> Common Lists). Examples of these values will be: Functional Capacity Evaluations, Workplace Assessments, Ergonomic Assessments, Gait assessments, and Exercise Physiology.

This common list will have 2 levels. Levels are shown in the following example:



The “Training” tab will allow adding training along with the date of completion and a document to be uploaded. Training-associated documents will be displayed in the HR Documents section.


Specialist Area:

The “Specialist Areas” tab: In this section, we can add the free text data and data will be saved automatically.



The “Registration” tab: In this section based on the added value for the registration in the Options > Common Lists section we can Add/Edit/Delete the registration. Also, we can filter the list using different filter options which are available in a dropdown menu:



The “Equipment” tab: In this section based on the added value for the equipment in the Options > Common Lists section we can Add/Edit/Delete the Equipment. Also, we can filter the list using different filter options which are available in a dropdown menu.


Referral Notes:

The “Referral Notes” tab: In this section, we can add the free text data and data will be saved automatically.



The “Performance” tab: In this section based on the added value for the performance in the Options > Common List section we can Add/Edit/Delete the performance. Also, we can filter the list using different filtering options which are available in a dropdown menu.



The Documents tab allows documents to be added to the selected employee. This section will work similarly to the document section that we have in the case list. These documents will have a “user document type”. Also, Review required and Review date fields are available for reviewing the document or not as required.


We have also added an HR Document Label tab on the Options/Documents/HR Document labels tab. In this section, we stored only HR Documents-related labels there are some default labels present in the list that we cannot Edit/Delete.


Additional Info tab:

This tab contains some predefined fields plus other custom fields (managed on iinsight via Admin > Manage Fields).


There are some pre-entered fields and the ability to create new ones. Below are some of the pre-entered fields:

  • Last Date of Update

  • Preferred name

  • Reports To

  • Start Date

  • Probation end date

  • Last Work Day

  • Base Site

  • Working from Home/Office/Both (dropdown)



In this section based on the added value for the vaccinations in the common list section, we can Add/Edit/Delete the vaccination. Also, we can filter the list using different filter options which are available in the dropdown menu. After creating the vaccination with a document the vaccination-associated document will be displayed in the HR Documents section:


Health and Safety:

In the Health and Safety section, we can Add/Edit/Delete user notes with documents and the ability to download the document by using the Download Copy button:


HR Expiring Report:

We currently have an Export button in the Users section:


In the Manage Users section, we can Export the HR-enabled field’s data after enabling/disabling these fields from the Fields Edit popup.


For the HR Expiring Report, we can run a report for the Expiring task/s of Clearances, Training, Registration, and Vaccinations. We need to enable “Can display the HR Expiring Report” from the Admin > Manage Users > User View section. After enabling this permission, the HR Expiring Report section will be created on the Reports menu and there we can run the report for the expiring task(s).




Ability to Create new Common Lists values for the below HR module fields:

  • Clearances (with checkboxes to allow configuration, such as: mandatory to have a document, mandatory to have verification, and date of expiry)

  • Competencies (2-level list)

  • HR equipment

  • Registrations

  • Equipment

  • Performance


Following are the permissions for the HR module which are available in the “Admin/Manage User/User Modify” section


HR Notes:

There is now an amazing “HR Notes Feature” available for the HR Staff to use (which is also locked down by specific user permissions), this facilitates easy access to clearly view specific “HR Notes” as required (there is also a “Privileged HR Notes” feature as well to restrict viewing to only required staff).

There is also clearances, registrations, training, vaccinations expiry notifications and HR Logs.

Adding the HR Notes section in Manage Users – This will be working the same way as in the Case List > Case Notes section:


To Add/Edit/Delete the HR Notes we have added the below screenshots attached permissions on the Admin > Manage Users > User Modify tab:


Also, to view the Privileged HR notes added the “Can view Privileged HR notes” on the Admin > Manage Users > User View tab:


Changing how the tasks for clearances, registrations, Training, and vaccinations operate:

For any of the clearances, registrations, Training, and vaccination expiry notifications to be created (same as Task created) on the Dashboard Task/Appointments section. For the creation of these notifications in iinsight first, we need to Add the Incharge Name (Add the user name for which you want to show this) on Admin > Manage Users right side section “Additional Info” tab:

  • A date that has already expired

  • A date that is about to expire in two weeks

  • A date that is set to expire in one month

  • A date that is set to expire in two months


Also, we have added the “HR Expiring Records” section in the Report section to view the expired task report for the clearances, registrations, Training, and vaccinations. We need to enable the “Can display the HR Expiring report” permission from the Admin > Manage Users > User View tab:


New permission has been added under “Can Access the Admin section” in the Admin > Manage Users > User Access > Admin section. This permission will be used to edit the Admin > Manage Users > User Details tab details.


If this permission is disabled then the following tabs will be hidden:

  • User Access

  • User View

  • User Modify

  • User Rates

  • User KPI

  • User integration

Added new “Can modify Competencies” permission in the Admin > Manage Users> User Modify > HR Section:


HR logs will be created for the following conditions:

  • When a Clearance (which has a document uploaded) is deleted

  • When a Training (which has a document uploaded) is deleted

  • When we Add/Edit/Delete User/Admin notes tab

  • When we Download documents in the Admin notes tab

  • When we upload/edit/delete/download/Toggle Approve in the Training tab

  • When we upload/edit/delete/download/Toggle Approve in Clearances tab

  • When we upload/edit/delete/download/Toggle Approve in All document tab


There is an excellent External Forms feature, which is a web referral form (like a booking platform) to be filled in by participants with the required information.

Please see the following features list for the External Forms:

  • Have the ability to create several dynamic forms. These forms will have these types of elements to choose:

  • Have the ability to copy a portion of HTML/JS provided by iinsight and embed it into the client’s website.

  • At the moment the client is saving this information, iinsight will validate all the field entries according to the type of each field. If all validations are ok, the form will be saved into iinsight and the status of this form will be “pending”.

  • Have a list of all filled forms. This form list has 2 associated permissions: view and modify. Users will be able to assign any form to a particular employee. When a form is assigned, the status will be changed to “WORKING ON” (LOCK).

  • If a form is rejected, the assigned employee will indicate the reason for the rejection from a common list and some free text to write a comment. Then, an email will be sent to the client informing the reason and the comments on the rejection. The form will change to status: “REJECTED”.

  • A form could also be “APPROVED”. At this point, it will be converted into a case, having all the historical information (when the form was created, who approved it, and others) as Admin notes in a Case.

Templates > Custom Forms Updates

Under Templates, we have the “Custom forms” tab. This will allow users to create/edit/delete dynamic forms.


When we create a new form, we will decide the type:


One type will be “External Forms” while the other type will be “Internal Form” (the one we already have). If we select an external form, we’ll need to indicate if this is a referral form (by a checkbox).

After creating a form, it will be possible to add fields using drag and drop (we have created some new types of fields):


When editing a form, it will be available on the Form Properties an area to copy a portion of HTML/JS code to be placed on an actual web page. There will also be a field to configure from which domain this form will be displayed and a main color:

#Note: Please paste the complete URL where the code is being embedded and not just the domain name of the website.

Pasting this code in a WordPress webpage, as an example, or any other webpage, a form will be displayed:


B. On iinsight, we will add a new option in the menu called: “External Forms”. To access this menu, we have created a new permission on the Admin/Manage Users/User Access/External Forms section called “Can view External Forms”.


Clicking on the “External Forms” section will show a list of forms that have been filled via an external web. If you click over one of these forms, you will be able to see all the entered data on the right side.

There will be an option to filter forms by form name, source, working on, status, and date range. Also, it will be possible to save the current filtering as a view, so the combination of filters could be reused the next time users visit the same page. A user could have more than one view.

Clicking on a row, users will be able to change the “Working On” and “Status” in line. On the right side of the screen, users will be able to “download as PDF” by pressing the respective button.


C. Form statuses (are saved in a common list, each status can be configured with a checkbox to indicate if it needs to lock for others to work on this form)


The default statuses are:

  • New: all forms are created as “New”.

  • Working: the referral form is being edited (there is a user working on it). We will have a lock so just the assigned employee can edit it. We can show the name of the person who is editing in case somebody else wishes to edit it.

  • Approved: Once is revised and ready to convert to “finalize”

  • Finalized (lock the referral): by pressing over the status: a modal window will be displayed asking to fill in the “case assigned to”, Business Division and Service Contract, Team, and the case’s status that will be shown. In this form, there are 2 options to save the data on this form:

    • Save as draft: Will change the status to “Pending Appointment” and save all the information on the screen to use it next time the modal is opened. After pressing the button, a modal window will show up to explain why is this pending. The titles are read from a common list: “External Forms Notes Titles”.

    • Save: Will create a case, this case creation can be done with 2 options:

      • Create a case with an appointment (the employee needs to be selected and also an availability date and time for the appointment)

      • Create a case without an appointment (the employee needs to be selected. The appointment won’t be created but a task will be created to remind an employee to create an appointment)


The “referral type” dropdown is reading the values from a common list: “Reason for referral”, which also allows to indicate the time in minutes for the duration of an appointment:


So, changing the value will make the table refresh, to show different availabilities based on the appointment duration. The default will be the standard appointment duration, set on options.


Pressing on the link: “availability” will display this pop-up modal window:

  • Rejected: If users change the status to “REJECTED”, the system will ask you for a reason (this will be a common list) and a free text to write comments (mandatory 3 to 300 characters). It will send an email, to the emails displayed in the form, or allow the user to enter a new email. The status will update, and a log will be created:


The common list for the “Rejection Reason” is created/shown as below:


The templates are saved on “Options -> Clinical Notes”, there is a checkbox at the bottom that is for “external forms”:


D. Note Tabs

We will allow the creation of notes, similar to the notes in the case list. Also, we will keep track of all the information that has changed in the form, the assigned to, and the statuses of the form, in Admin Logs.



E. Added below permissions for external form modification on the Admin/Manage Users/User Modify/External Forms section



Iinsight has now the ability to sync the iinsight Appointments Calendar directly to your Outlook Calendar using Microsoft API Integration – this will be a big time saver for clients and make their appointment tasks much more user-friendly.

For this feature, we first need to connect the Microsoft Calendar to the iinsight Calendar and thereafter we can use this feature.

Step 1. Create a new App on Microsoft Azure

Go to:, after login in, select “Manage Azure Active Directory” (you will need to have permission to this section):


Then go to: “App registration” on the side bar menu, and select “New registration”:


Assign a name (i.e. Company name Outlook Integration) and the following information:


The Web URL is region dependent and should be one of the following depending on your database location:



United Kingdom

Once an app is created, we should get this screen:


Copy the:

  • Application (client) ID -> APP ID field

  • Directory (tenant) ID -> Tenant field

And paste it into iinsight, via Options -> Security -> Microsoft Integration


Step 2. Create a token

Select the new app that you just created, select “Certificates & secrets” on the left-hand side menu, and then select “+ New client secret”:


Add a “description” and an expiry value:


Once a token is created, we can copy the:

  • Secret ID -> App Secret field

  • Value -> App secret Value field

And paste into iinsight, on Options -> Security -> Microsoft Integration tab.


Step 3. Give the APP the required permissions

Basically, we need to give permission to users and calendars. Will be something similar to these permission lists. Select “+ Add a permission” and then select “Microsoft Graph”:


Then select “delegated permission”, you can search for calendar and add all the options in that section:


Also, you will need to add these other permissions:


Your final list of permission will need to be shown like this:


We have also added the Microsoft API Integration settings on the below-attached screenshot window:


Please follow the below-attached screenshots steps for how we can connect the iinsight calendar directly to iinsight.

1. Go to the Appointment menu click on the calendar share option and click on the Microsoft calendar sectionGrant button” after it will redirect to the MS Office login page where we need to login with the MS office account.


2. After successful login with the MS Office account, the below screenshot attached popup will be appearing and you need to click on the “Accept” button after clicking on the “Accept button” the window will be redirected automatically to the iinsight calendar integration popup with the Revoke button appears.

  • Once the connection is successfully set up between iinsight and Outlook then the cron job will run and after 15 minutes Appointments will be directly synced from the iinsight to Outlook as in the attached screenshot:


After successfully syncing Appointments to the Outlook calendar, we have the ability to edit the Appointment title, date, time, descriptions, etc. and the changes will be reflected on IInsight as well as Outlook.

  • With this feature we have the ability to “sync the Recurrence Series of Appointments” with Outlook and also, we can “update all recurrence Appointments” or we can “update individual recurrence appointments” and the changes will be reflected on IInsight as well as Outlook


Also, we have theability to sync the All-Day Appointments event” and “end after a number of recurrence events” with the outlook calendar, and also in iinsight we cannot “edit those Appointments” which are set in outlook as “Private”.


To improve the “Appointment view” we have Introduced “Consulting Times” to reduce the 24-hour time view.
Using both “Company Times” and “Consultant Times” to reduce the view of times each day. We have added the “Consultant Availability” section to the Admin > Manage User > User Details section.


Consultant Availability time is the time when the consultant is available or not. We can see this information on the Appointment new window for example:

  • When no appointment exists for any user in the Appointment menu then the time will be displayed according to the “Company Time” which is set up from the Options/Financial Settings section. Also, when the Appointment exists in the Appointment menu then the time will automatically be changed according to the “Appointment work time”.

  • If Consultants have a different Appointment time, then the time slot will display according to “Organisation Time” and earlier or later start/finish time slot for individual consultants (if the user has an appointment in the same time slot).

  • If the user is trying to book an Appointment “before Work time”, then the below popup will appear:

  • If the user trying to book an Appointment “before the consultant’s availability time” and within the work time then the below popup will appear:

  • Also, the same popup will appear while the user is trying to book an appointment after “Consultant Time” and “Work time” and also for after “Consultant Time” and within the “Work time”.

  • If the User is trying to book an appointment before the Organisation time the below popup message will appear:

  • If the user trying to book an Appointment for two consultants and the appointment time is “outside consultant time” for one user and for another user appointment time is “outside organisation time”, then the below popup message will appear:



IInsight now has Tyro integration for accepting payments easily using the Tyro terminals, with no need to type the amount to be paid the invoice number, or other values. For this integration, we have used “Medipass”.

Setup the connection between IInsight and Medipass we need to create an account on, then put the business settings, and bank account, and create the locations and terminals.

After creating the account on the Medipass portal we need to create an API Key, then copy it and paste it into iinsight. Tyro will provide an “APPLICATION NAME” when creating a new account.


After creating the account on the Medipass portal and API key then need to go to the IInsight/Options/Financial Setting section where we have added the Tyro tab to set up the connection between IInsight and Medipass. We need to put the API Key just created on Medipass, and enable the service to be used on iinsight . Also, we would need to enter the application name. We can test if the connection is setup correctly or not by using the “Check Credentials” button:

Also at the Team level, we will add a new checkbox (to display if we have Tyro enabled on Options) to configure if a Team is allowed to make a payment using Tyro. By default, all teams will have the checkbox checked.


On the Case List/Accounts tab (if Tyro is enabled on options and the team from the case has Tyro enabled) we have added new button called: “Pay with Tyro”:


After pressing the button: “Pay with Tyro” button a pop-up will be opened, on the screen and also in a terminal:


After payment is successfully done on a Tyro terminal, we will create a new payment on iinsight:


And also, a case log:


Payment details will show as below:


On the Reports section, we have added the new payment type “TYRO” also:


Tyro's new documentation is hosted at the same link:

  • If you are experiencing any issues in accessing the documentation you may need to clear your browser cache.

The new documentation will contain all the information available in their old documentation. Tyro has organized this a little differently with all funder and payment options listed separately in their own section. The documentation is now also searchable should you need to find any specific information.

If you do need to reference anything from Tyro's old documentation, the site will remain live for a period of time and will be hosted at this location:

Going forward, however, only the new documentation will be updated and maintained.

This is an exciting new refresh for our docs and we hope you enjoy using them!

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