The Roster functions within the platform allow you to be able to create appointments or shifts on a case file, without an employee being assigned from the start.
These "rostered" appointments/shifts, can then retrospectively have the appropriate employee assigned when known.
The Roster Area can be accessed from the within the Appointments module by selecting the Roster icon to the top right of the page:
Should an employee who is already assigned to an appointment/shift, schedule Holiday or take Sick Leave during that time, they will automatically be removed from them, (so a new employee can be assigned), and a notification will be sent to the lead Assigned To on the linked case, as well as any Team Leaders in the Message Center on the platform so it is known these appointments require attention and reassigning or re-scheduling.
In the Appointments > Roster area, there are 2 main views that can be worked in:
These can be switched between using the view dropdown option at the top left of the Roster area:
Roster Case View
In the roster Case View we are looking at appointment information with the priority focus on the case/client.
In this view the clients a user has access to are shown down the left side from top to bottom, where information on the Client Name, Case Number, and total "scheduled" and "unassigned" appointment time can be seen quickly at a glance:
From left to right run the days of the week for the selected time period, with any rostered shifts/appointments for the client being displayed. If there are multiple shifts/appointments scheduled on the same day for the same client, these will show stacked in time order:
The shift/appointment blocks show information on the appointment title, time, location and assigned employee:
If no employee is assigned to a rostered shift/appointment, then the block will show as red, and a Select Employee button will display in place of the employee name:
To assign an employee in this view, click Select Employee on the appointment block and this will open the Select Employee window where you can search for employee(s) to assign to the appointment:
By default only employees with "availability" (both on the date / time and for the location), will be offered to select from.
Should you require (and your user permissions allow), the "availability" rules can be bypassed by checking the View All Employees box, which will allow you to select from any employee regardless of their current availability schedule:
An employee can be removed from a shift, or the employee changed on a shift, by clicking on the name of the employee on an already assigned appointment block, which will open the same Select Employee window:
Roster User View
In the roster User View we are looking at shift/appointment information with the priority focus on any "unassigned" shifts/appointments, and from an employee perspective.
In this view the days of the week still run left to right across the top, however this time the rows are per Employee with the employee name and number of scheduled hours against them shown down the left side:
The very 1st row at the top of this view, will show any "unassigned" shifts/appointments:
The ability to view, and assign the shift/appointment blocks is much the same as previously outlined in for the Roster Case View, however in this view it is also possible to "drag and drop" an appointment block from the "Unassigned" row, to the required employee:
If an employee if is not available for that time or location, then a message will be shown stating it is not possible to perform this action: