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IINSIGHT 6.3.0 Release Notes
Updated over 10 months ago

IINSIGHT 6.3.0 Release Notes

The New Appointment Feature (Replacing Calendar Menu)

There is a new Appointments Feature (Menu) as below and selecting this option will take the User to the Appointment Feature:


Appointment Availability

In Admin/Manage Users/User Details tab there are checkboxes for ‘Appointment Availability’ whereby you can select the Staff member to be ‘Available’ in the ‘Appointment List’ or ‘Not Available’ as below:


Appointment View (Appointment Tab):

Navigating to this area will display a list of Appointment columns (by Consultant), depending on the access permissions assigned to the User. There are Day/Month/Year views, with the ability to filter by Date Range, Team, Employee, Appointment Status (user-controlled list) and Appointment Category (user-controlled list). You will automatically see the Appointment Tab when you click into the New Appointment Feature (Menu) and if you have the permission you will also be able to select the Company Resources Tab.


New Appointment

Click here to see a Video on how to Add/Manage and Bill from an appointment

To create a new appointment, you can select the + New Appointment button in the Appointments feature menu:


Within the +New Appointment Window, there is the ability to:
- Allow Overlap (means other bookings can be made at the same time for the same consultant/s)
- Set Recurrence (allows recurring appointments with the same meeting particulars)
- All Day Event (allows creation of All Day Event/s based on the Companies Operational Times)
- Select 1 or more Employees (allows multiple staff to be booked in an appointment)
- Select 1 or more Resources (allows multiple resources to be booked against an appointment. Noting that resources are managed via the Admin>Manage Offices Menu. Each resource is added against an Office Location.
- Select 1 Case/Client Record to assign to the appointment (allows an appointment to be booked against an existing Case/Client. Should no case be selected – the “Save and Add Billing” button will be replaced with “Save and Add Case” which will allow you to Add a New Case/Client from the appointment window should the case not already exist.
- Choose a Location for the Appointment (allows a Created office, Client Address or Other Address to be added to the appointment)
- Select the Employee responsible for the Billing (allows a Staff member to be assigned as responsible for adding the billing)
- Select the Billable Activity or Item (from the Active Plan or Standard List) to be billed in the appointment (allows the billing items to be pre-selected to reduce the admin for the Staff member responsible for adding the billing)

Company Resources View (Company Resources Tab):

Click here to see a video on how to Add, Edit and Manage Offices and their associated Resources.

Within the Company Resources Tab (permission-based access), you will be able to add Resource Bookings to this Company Resource area or see the existing Resource Bookings that are already booked either directly against an Appointment or, for resources booked outside of Appointments. This is because resources can be booked outside of Appointment Bookings so that organisations can manage all equipment, rooms and vehicle bookings even if they don’t pertain to an appointment booked in the Appointment Section.


Tasks/Appointments (Message Centre)

Click here to see a video on how Tasks and Appointments are managed within a Case and/or in the Message Centre

There is also a Tasks/Tab in the Case List which has +New Task and +New Appointment buttons as below: Clicking +New Task will show the below window:


The Task/Appointments tab in the Case List shows any Tasks/Appointments you have linked to a Client’s Case including the ‘Title’, ‘Date’, ‘Time’, ‘Assigned To’, ‘Priority’ and ‘Status’ as below:


Finance menu/Appointment Billing tab

Click here to see a video on how to export/report on Appointments and their associated billing status.

The Finance menu/Appointment Billing tab shows Appointments that were linked to Billings and can be ‘Exported’ to Excel using the ‘Export’ button as below:


Drop Down menu for Appointment Status (Options Console)

Click here to see a video on how to Manage New Appointment Settings within the Options Console, including Appointment Categories, Status’ and Resources.

The ‘Appointment Status’ Dropdown menus are created in Options/Common Lists/Appointment Status as below:


Note: Appointment Status’ of “Cancelled”, “Confirmed” and “Not Confirmed” are hard-coded and should not be removed. “Cancelled” and “Not Confirmed” Status’ will override the below Appointment Category Colours with Red and Grey respectively.

Drop Down menu for Appointment Categories

The Dropdown Menus for ‘Appointment Categories’ are created in Options/Common Lists/Appointment Categories as below:


Note: When adding Categories for Appointments you will be able to assign a Colour to each category. This colour will be applied to an appointment booking where the Appointment Status is not “Cancelled” or “Not Confirmed”. Example shown below:


Dropdown menus for Resources

The Dropdown menus for ‘Resources Group’ are in Options/Common Lists/Resources Group:


Note: The resource groups can be added based on the companies chosen or required resources. As a default we are showing rooms, vehicles, and equipment above.


Click here to see a video on how to Manage User Permissions/Visibility, Offices and their Resources as well as Case Logs about SMS reminder and confirmation messages sent/received via iinsight.

Manage Offices

There is a new menu called Manage Offices which is accessed via Admin/Manage Offices:


You can add the names and addresses of your offices as below:


Within the Admin Menu (permission-based access), a User is able to Manage Offices, and create Resources at these Office Locations. Resource groups can be assigned to each Resource added at each office location/s (E.G. Rooms, Equipment, Vehicles etc). These are Resources that can be booked against an appointment or without an appointment.

Case Logs

Under the Admin>Case Logs menu – there is a new SMS Tab to track the SMS Messages sent and received as well as the ability to track organisation costs pertaining to the Sending of SMS Messages. This is no charge for SMS’s received.


Manage Users
Permissions are required to have Appointments access via Admin/Manage Users/User Access tab as below called ‘Can access appointments’, ‘Can access all employee’s appointments’ and ‘Can access appointments assigned to this employee’s team’ as below:


There is also a permission required to ‘View’ the ‘Appointment Resources tab’ via Admin/Manage Users/User View called ‘Can View Appointment Resources tab’:


There are also 6 permissions via Admin/Manage Users/User Modify: ‘Can Modify Appointment Resources Tab’, ‘Can add new appointments’, ‘Can modify appointments’, ‘Can delete appointments’, ‘Can add/modify appointments on behalf of other employee’s and ‘Can add billings or link billings to an appointment’ as below:


SMS Reminders and Confirmations (for Appointments only)

Based on the preference of the client (SMS Notification must be selected on the Case), one or both SMS Reminders and Confirmations can be sent to clients prior to their appointments. The Confirmation SMS will Accept both YES and NO responses to change an Appointment Status from Not-Confirmed to Confirmed. To control these global settings, this can be done as shown below in the Options > Systems Reminders/KPI Tab > SMS Reminder Tab.


Below example shows the selection of the SMS Notification Preference within a case.


Group Billings (not linked to the New Appointment Feature)

The Group Billing Button is available only in the Timesheets menu (this is because the Group Billing feature will bill across multiple Cases).


You can now create ‘Group Billing’ ‘Activities’ and ‘Items’ in the Service Contract as below:


Once created the ‘Group Billing’ Checkbox is populated as below:


When selected the Group Billing Window will appear as below where the standard billing functions generally remain the same. The addition to this area is the ability to add more than one Client/Case to a Billing Entry to duplicate this across multiple cases, without duplicating the Consultant Time on the Billing Entry.


In the above example – Jason Taylor has a Warning Icon indicating that there may be an issue upon Saving the Billing. This might pertain to low or no funds on the Approved Plan within Jason’s Case or might mean that Jason is a Closed Case as an example. Upon saving, if the warning restricts billings being added (No funds on Approved Plan) then you will not be able to proceed with the Billing until you remove Jason or allocate more funds to Jason’s Plan.

Saving the above Entry will create 6 Cost Lines. 5 x Case/Client related Costs and 1 x Consultant Related Costs. Example shown below:


Note each Group Billing will have a Group Billing ID.

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