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April 2013 - IINSIGHT 5.0.3 Release Notes
April 2013 - IINSIGHT 5.0.3 Release Notes
Updated over 9 months ago

We are delighted to announce the release of the new iinsight 5.0.3.

Some of the main highlights of this new release will include some very exciting new Financial features (and if this was a budget you could say we have achieved a return to surplus!!):

  • Lock of Financials with new date picker.

  • A new feature to Group Invoice Items by date, charge codes, and description.

  • New Costs tab under Finance page.

  • Service Contract Cloning.

  • New Filter in the Case List Report.

  • Case Number and Customer name now displays in the top right-hand corner of the case list so a user can easily identify which case they are currently working on.

  • The referrer provider number field is now available in the Invoice template options fields.

  • The medicare number field is now available in the Invoice template options fields.

  • A new Invoice field to include the employee name on each cost.

  • List Importing.

Lock of Financials with Date Picker

An excellent new Financial is the Locking with Date Picker feature which will make Accountants very happy.

Please select the Options Tab on the top right-hand corner of your iinsight screen (as per the below screenshot)

Then select the Financial Settings tab (as below) and you will see the Financial Settings Feature:

The system log will show you dates and times that Financial periods were locked/unlocked and by which user as below:

Group Invoices by Charge Code and Description

You will be pleased to know that it is now possible to Group invoices by charge code and description. Under the Options tab, please select Invoice Templates and highlight the invoice template you would like to use below:

Next select either Edit or New to get the option to ‘Group by Date, Charge Code and Description’ as per the below screenshot:

The new Costs Tab under the Finance Menu

There is now a new costs tab under the Finance Menu which allows you to export to Excel as below:

There are 2 new fields added to the Costs Tab called Service Contract and Team (as below) and the Service Contract is linked directly to the cost:

Service Contract Cloning

There is a new ‘Service Contract Cloning’ feature which will save a lot of time for clients who create a large amount of ‘Service Contracts.’

Under the Charges menu if you select the Service Contract that you wish to clone and then select the Service Contract Tab you will be given the below message:

If you wish to have a clone of this Service Contract then please provide a new name and your new Service Contract will have identical Activities/Items/Charge Codes/Descriptions/Charges to the Service Contract you copied it from, alternatively, if you do not wish to clone the Service Contract you can just bypass this option by choosing ‘New Service Contract’.

New Filter in the Case List Report

There is a New Filter in the Case List Report ‘Show all open cases by a given date.’

If you needed to run a monthly Case List Report for April 2024 for example, you would just need to select the check boxes below – Please notice that the final check box says Show all open cases ‘By a given date’ and if you select 02/04/24 as below it will include all cases opened between 01/04/24 and 02/04/24:

Referrer Provider Number Field Now Available in the Invoice Template Options

There is a new ‘Referrer Provider Number’ Field now available in the Invoice Template Options called ‘’ which could be very useful for some of our clients. Please go to the Options menu and choose the invoice Templates tab, select the invoice template you wish to use the field in and enable the field as per the below example:

The Medicare Number Field is Now Available in the Invoice Template Options

There is a new ‘Medicare Number’ Field now available in the Invoice Template Options called ‘’ which could be very useful for some of our clients. Please go to the Options menu and choose the Invoice Templates tab, select the invoice template you wish to use the field in and enable the Medicare Number field as per the below example:

A new Invoice Field to include the Employee Name on Each Cost

A new Field has been created to enable the Employer name to be included on invoice templates as below:

If you wish to use this in your invoice template, please go to the Options menu then select the Invoice Templates tab, please enable the new Field ‘’ and you may need to disable ‘’ field if you originally had that in your template as per the below example:

Case Number and Customer Name are Now Displayed in the top left corner of the Case List

The case number and customer name now display prominently in the top right-hand corner of the case list to enable users to easily identify which case they are currently working on as per the below example:

List Importing

There is a new list importing feature that will allow users to easily import lists such as Outcome and Nature of Injury.

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