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Updated over 9 months ago

The 'Plans Tab' is used to estimate, track and manage the rehabilitation, treatment and assessment goals associated with the currently selected case. This interface allows multiple goals to be established, defined and tracked, and highlights which of these has been assigned as the current goal.

The core of this functionality is the capacity to create plans and assign one of these to serve as the current goal.

Use of the controls detailed below enables the user to manage its functionality.

  • New

Clicking 'New' opens the Plan Creation interface which is used to create a new plan or estimate for the current case. The plan creation process is covered in detail below.

  • Delete

Clicking 'Delete' will prompt the user for confirmation, before permanently removing the currently selected plan from the iinsight system.

  • Details

Used to edit the currently selected plan, adding objectives to be met, along with activity and item costs. Also included in this interface are controls to manage the printing and ordering of the plan details, and to forward the plan to the 'Bill To' company for approval. The interface through which this is managed is covered in detail below.

  • Current

Clicking 'Current' will assign the currently selected plan as the priority goal to be met.

  • Save as Template

Clicking 'Save as Template' will save the currently selected plan as a plan template, which can be used to quickly apply the same settings to similar cases in the future.

  • The Search Field

The search field is filled by the user to define the information based on which the estimates list will be filtered.

  • The by Dropdown

The 'Criterion Dropdown' allows the user to define the condition based on which the estimates list will be filtered when they search. For example, if this dropdown is set to 'Title', clicking 'Find' will filter the list to only include those estimates with a title that matches the text entered in the search field.

  • Find

Clicking 'Find' will filter the currently displayed estimates list according to the query and condition set by the Search Field and Criterion Dropdown.

  • Fields Edit

The fields edit button is used to determine the information columns displayed for each entry currently shown in the estimates list.

  • Plan List

Contains the complete listing of plans associated with the currently selected case.

Plan Icons

The green tick designates the current plan.


The orange tick designates a draft plan, or that is pending approval.


The Red X designates an inactive plan.


The clock designates a "scheduled" plan that is set to start on a specific date.


The floppy disk icon designates that the plan is also a template.


Creating a Plan

The plan creation interface is opened from the Plans/Program tab and is used to create new plans which can then be populated with expected item and activity costs. These plans may be specific to a particular case or can be saved as a template to be used for future plans.

The plan creation process is managed through the following interface controls.


a) Select Yes to use an existing template and choose it from available templates or No to create a new plan.

b) The Plan type:

  • A Service-based plan is used when the Activities and Items must be adhered to individually.

  • A total sum plan is where the plan is based on the total value of all activities and items.

c) Details that need to be included such as the

  • Title you wish to use (mandatory)

  • Plan ID if required

  • Case Notes to be added – linked to standard Case Notes

d) Goals from the dropdown lists:

  • Employment Goal: The employment status being worked towards by the case client.

  • Work Capacity Goal: The work capacity, with regards to time frames and total hours, is being worked towards by the case client.

  • Work Activities Goal: The work activities, with regard to duties and responsibilities, are being worked towards by the case client.

e) The start and finish dates for the plan. Default dates for the duration of activities and items are set here.

f) Choose either:

  • A Draft – generally used when requesting approval

  • A Current Bill to plan

  • Make this an Inactive plan

  • Make this a Scheduled plan set to start on a specific date.

  • Once a plan is set as an Active plan, a checkbox indicating an Approved Plan appears in the Section. If approval has been received then move the Draft plan to either a Manual Active plan or an Automatic plan.

Note that in this release only one plan can be a current plan; however multiple draft and inactive plans are permitted. Also note that if the rates for activities and items are changed in the Charges List they will NOT carry over to existing plans, these must be manually changed in the plans or the plans redone so that the modified charges can be readded to the plan and take effect.

f) Location:

The 'Location' dropdown is used to select the location for the Plans. The default value of this dropdown is (none)

Preventing a Plan Costs from Exceeding the Limit

Selecting the Service Contract that the case is using in the charges menu and checking 'Do not allow Costs to exceed the Plans/Programs limit will limit the Cost, Duration, or Unit amount in the plan based on the items and activities added to that plan and the duration or units and cost allowed per item/activity as set in the case list, plan/programs tab.

Screenshot (1298).png

This will prevent a case manager from going over the approved budget as set in the plan:

In the above example, the cost is under the remaining budget for this activity but the duration is not and so the system will not allow this cost to be added. The same error would occur if the cost was beyond the planned amount.

Manage Activities/Items

Activities and Items added here will be enabled for this case in the billing section under this plan (if active).

There are 4 controls for creating and managing the Activities and Items associated with a Plan.

  • The 'Delete' button

Deletes the highlighted Activity or Item

  • The '+ Add Activities/Items' button

Add Activities/Items for the plans by using the "Add Activities/Items" button

  • The 'Preview' button

Allows to preview the plan details in the preview window by using the Preview button

  • The 'Email' button

Allows to email the plans in PDF form by using the Email button

  • The Search Field

The search field is filled by the user to define the information based on which the Activity/Item list will be filtered.

  • The 'by' Dropdown

The 'by' Dropdown' allows the user to define the condition based on which the Activity/Item list will be filtered when they search. For example, if this dropdown is set to 'Activity/Item', clicking 'Find' will filter the list to only include those Activity/items that match the text entered in the search field.

  • Find

Clicking 'Find' will filter the currently displayed Activity/Item list according to the query and condition set by the Search Field and by Dropdown.

  • Fields Edit

The fields edit button is used to determine the information columns displayed for each entry currently shown in the Plan window Activity/Item table.

  • The Select All button

Allows to select all Activities/Items for the Plans

Service-based Plans

Service-based plans are best used when you wish to restrict all activities and items within their set cost limit. Each activity will not be able to exceed its set budget for that case (as long as the activities and items are not allowed to exceed the ‘plans/program limit’, this option is checked in the Charges menu > Plans tab).

You can create a service-based plan in the Case List > Plans/Programs tab, by selecting the “Service-based plan” for the plan type:

Now when you add your activities/items (which must first be created in the charges menu, service contract) and set a duration/quantity then a cost per hour /unit; these will now be unable to exceed the total cost /duration for that specific activity/item in this plan.

The activities‘ Time Remaining’ and ‘Amount Remaining’ will not exceed the limits set in this plan for this activity.

* Activities and/or Items can be set to exceed the limit in the plan or allow activities to be created outside the plan date range if these are specified in the Charges menu > Plans tab.

Total Sum Plans

Total Sum plans are best used when you wish to allow an activity to exceed its cost limit as long as it doesn’t exceed the plans total budget (regardless if the ‘do not allow activity costs to exceed the plans/program limit’ option is enabled in Charge menu > Plans).

The activity/item will have a negative value on its ‘Amount Remaining’ and ‘Time Remaining’ if you exceed the budget for that particular activity/item.

However, the total sum plan will not allow you to exceed the total amount for the plan.

Printing a Plan

Clicking 'Preview' will allow the user to generate a report detailing the full list of activity and item costs associated with the estimate currently being edited, along with their total and individual values. This report may be printed, emailed or exported to Word, Excel or PDF.

To download a plan in PDF format for printing select the plan in the Plans/Programs tab and click Preview, then select PDF and Export all pages or Export current page.

Formatting may be modified through the Sort Fields 1-3.

iinsight recommends using the Export to PDF function to provide the best format. An automatic PDF is also created if the user exports to Email.

The file will download to your browser, click on the file and save to your computer.

Emailing a Plan

Emailing a plan can be done in two ways; the first way is to select the plan in the Plans/Programs tab and click Preview:


Select Email and email all pages or the currently selected page:

Then the email will download within your browser, open the file:


The Plan will be attached to the message for you, just enter the recipients and your message.


The other way of emailing a plan is to select the plan in the Plans/Programs tab and click Details:

Then click the Manage Plan tab and click the Email button:

The email will download in .msg format with the attached plan in PDF format.

Managing Plan Templates

Plan templates contain a set of item and activity costs that can provide the basis for new plans. These templates can be established to facilitate similar cases or common injuries so that these circumstances can be treated consistently and increase the efficiency of team members preparing case plans.

The creation and administration of plan templates is extremely simple, as by their nature they serve as a time-saving function. These templates are created by choosing to save an already-prepared plan as a template and therefore will contain identical information.

Search and viewing of these templates is provided to assist in confirming their suitability to a current case. A selected plan may be assigned as a template or deleted if necessary.

This functionality is managed through the interface controls detailed below.

  • Delete

Clicking 'Delete' will prompt the user for confirmation before removing the currently selected template from the Iinsight system.

  • Details

Displays a detailed breakdown of the currently selected estimate template, including the costs and goals of which it is composed.

  • The 'Current' button

Activates the selected plan making it the 'current' plan in place.

  • The 'Preview' button

Displays a preview of the selected plan.

  • The Search Field

The search field is filled by the user to define the information based on which the template list will be filtered.

  • The 'by' Dropdown

The 'by' Dropdown' allows the user to define the condition based on which the templates list will be filtered when they search. For example, if this dropdown is set to 'Title', clicking 'Find' will filter the list to only include those templates with a title that matches the text entered in the search field.

  • Find

Clicking 'Find' will filter the currently displayed templates list according to the query and condition set by the Search Field and Criterion Dropdown.

  • Fields Edit

The fields edit button is used to determine the information columns displayed for each entry currently shown in the templates list.

  • Templates List

Lists all available templates

Xero Tracking Categories

If you are a Xero Connector user and utilize Tracking Categories, activity/item plan billings can now be associated with Xero tracking categories via the Xero Tracking 1 and Xero Tracking 2 columns in the plan table outlined in the image below:


Costs created from plans are linked to the Xero Tracking Categories automatically based on the above outlined, but if required, this association can be modified via the Finance > Costs table via the same columns outlined in the image below:


"Duplicate" Plan Billing Line Items

Sometimes, it may be necessary for the same service to be offered in two or more formats with slight changes in price and description within the same plan. Common examples would be differences in prices along weekend or emergency/standard treatments or differing travel costs based on location.

In a Plan/Program is is possible to Duplicate a billing line item associated with a single activity/item billing in the service contract to cover these situations.

To perform this within a Plan/Program you just need to select the activity/item in the plan list (so it is highlighted in blue), and then press the new Duplicate button as shown in the image below:


After clicking on the Duplicate button, the newly created billing can then be edited as its own unique instance (outlined in orange in the image below):


Please note however that activities/items flagged for "Group Billing" can’t be duplicated:


Recently created Duplicate line items can be removed with the “Remove” button.

If the plan has already been saved with these lines duplicated then they can be removed by using the usual Delete button.

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