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Case Notes Tab
Updated over 10 months ago

The 'Case Notes' Tab contains records of activity regarding the selected case that are both logged and stored automatically by the iinsight System and authored manually by users.

The three varieties of notes are referred to as:

  1. User Notes are exclusively authored by users as a means of tracking information and keeping records related to the currently selected case. These will never be created by the iinsight system and can be created, edited and deleted by users with sufficient access privileges associated with their account.

  2. Admin Notes provides an area for storing notes that are not directly related to a consultant's work on a case. They can be used by Administrators or other users to record events or notations on billings or other facets of the case. It is identical to User Notes in functionality; therefore the guide to User Notes can be viewed for further information.

  3. Case Log notes are indelible records of the invoicing, expenses and updates associated with the case, which cannot be manually added to or deleted by the user. These records are automatically updated and maintained by the iinsight system itself.

Case Notes are arranged in three sub-tabs to enable differentiation:

User Notes

Notes relating to the client's case from the case manager or treating doctor.

The buttons are:

  • New

Clicking the 'New' button allows the user to add a user note to the case records. This note can include both a title, and body text. The note title is intended to describe the contents and will serve as the main field to be filtered by when users search for the newly created note in the future. The note body text is intended to contain the information stored in the case note and can be viewed at any time by opening the note itself from the search interface.

  • Delete

Clicking the 'Delete' button will prompt the user to provide confirmation, before permanently removing the currently selected user note from the iinsight system.

  • Details

Clicking the 'Details' button will display the full title and body text of the currently selected user note. This is the typical method of viewing the information stored in any user or case log note and will also allow the user to edit the information that user notes contain, should the user have sufficient access privileges.

  • Print

Clicking the 'Print' button will allow the user to print a transcript of all of the user notes or case log notes associated with the currently selected case.

  • Preview

Displays a view of the case notes only.

  • The Search Field

The search field is filled by the user in order to define the information based on which the list of user notes or case log notes will be filtered.

  • The 'by' Dropdown

The 'by' Dropdown allows the user to define the condition based on which the user notes or case log notes will be filtered when they search. For example, if this dropdown is set to 'Title' then clicking 'Find' will filter the list to only include those notes which include the text entered in the search field in their title.

  • Find

Clicking 'Find' will filter the currently displayed user notes or case log notes lists according to the query and condition set by the Search Field and Criterion Dropdown.

  • Fields Edit

This button is used to determine the information columns displayed for each user note or case log note currently shown in the case notes list.

Admin Notes

Similar to User Notes and generally used for Admin staff for administrative notes only.

Case Log

This area lists all changes or additions made to this case, when they were made and by who. If another user makes an entry on behalf of a consultant, this will be listed in the case log.

The Case Log notes interface is extremely similar to the User Notes interface, with the exception of some controls having been disabled in order to preserve the indelibility of the notes stored in the Case Log tab.

It is not possible for users to create new Case Log notes or delete them from the iinsight system, and once created these notes cannot be edited by users. For this reason the New and Delete buttons are disabled in the Case Log interface, and it is not possible to edit a Case Log note when it is opened with the Details button.

Case Log - Plan activity logging

The Case Log will make log entries for updates to Plans if the following occur:

  • Plan created

  • Plan deleted

  • Change to the ‘current plan’

  • Saving plan as...

  • Plan template updates

Editing Notes

Clicking on the 'Details' button allows the user to view and edit the selected note in the User and Admin sub-tabs.

A limited Spellcheck capability is available in the Case Note tab as well as in the Timesheets menu and when creating a New Activity/Item.

Note that when editing Case Notes, the user can also specify a time of the note (to the half hour) through a "time picker" capability. This functionality is also available when adding or editing a cost, or a new entry within timesheets.

* There is a maximum limit of 255 characters (including spaces) when adding a note to a case.

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