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Charge Category Management
Charge Category Management
Updated over 8 months ago

When a service contract is selected in the charge list shown in the left-hand pane of the 'Charges' interface, the details associated with the service contract will be displayed in six tabs labeled 'Options', 'Codes', 'Costs', 'Plans', 'Templates' and 'Roles' present in the far right-hand pane. These tabs allow the user to view and manage the detailed settings and attributes associated with this service contract which determine the behavior of the charges that it contains and the cases with which it is associated.

The Options tab contains the key settings for the selected service contract. Where other tabs determine the resources the service contract will make available to the charges and cases with which it is associated, this tab determines the inherent behavior of the service contract.

This functionality is managed through the interface controls detailed below.

  • Save

Clicking 'Save' will permanently preserve any changes made to the Service Contract.

  • Description

The title by which the service contract will be labeled. This should serve as a simple reference, as the description is the key field by which the service contract will be searched and recognized.

  • Hourly Rate

A default hourly rate is to be applied in calculating the cost of chargeable items in the circumstance of no hourly rate having been set.

  • Apply to Activities

Clicking 'Apply to Activities' will prompt the user for confirmation, before applying the hourly rate to all activities currently associated with the selected service contract.

  • Apply GST

Checking 'Apply GST' will instruct the Iinsight system to apply a 10% GST value when calculating the cost of chargeable items in the circumstance of no GST setting having been set.

  • Charge Code

A default charge code to be applied to chargeable items in the circumstance of no charge code having been set.

  • Individual/Company Case

When a user elects to create a new case under the selected service contract the Iinsight system will select the default case type automatically. If a different case type is required, this can also be chosen by the user during the case creation process.

  • Cost/Estimate Link Method

When a charge associated with the selected service contract is associated with a case estimate this can be accomplished using either the description of the charge, or by matching the charge code to the estimate, depending on the option selected under this setting.

  • Provider Number

A code to serve as a unique identifier for the service provider when acting in the capacity defined by the service contract. In the majority of cases this will not be necessary unless it is issued by a particular referrer or billable agency.

  • Business Division

The business division is responsible for handling cases associated with the selected service contract.

  • Check Force Template Rules

Checking 'Check force template rules' will restrict the available document templates available to cases associated with the selected service contract to only those explicitly defined within the service contract 'Templates' tab. 3 types of templates can be restricted to a service contract: Documents (as in the example below), Outcomes, and Plans/Programs. With documents, use the multi-select capability to add only those documents that pertain to the service contract.


The 'Codes' tab is used to manage the charge codes associated with the selected service contract. These charge codes are a means of grouping charges under a common identifier in the circumstance of multiple potential item or activity costs existing within the one service contract which all serve a common goal.

For example, pain management treatments, functionality assessments, and physiotherapy may be collectively suitable for a client suffering from muscle strain and would therefore be grouped under a single charge code.

The charge code interface is extremely simple and is managed through the interface controls detailed below.

  • New

Clicking 'New' will allow the user to add a new charge code to the currently selected service contract. This is a simple process and only requires that an alphanumeric code be defined, and a description is optional but may be useful if there are many entries to differentiate between them.

  • The Search Field

The user fills in the search field to define the information based on which the charge code list will be filtered.

  • The Criterion Drop-down

The 'Criterion Drop-down' allows the user to define the condition based on which the charge code list will be filtered when they search. For example, if this dropdown is set to 'Code', clicking 'Find' will filter the charge code list to only include those entries with a code that matches the text entered in the search field.

  • Find

Clicking 'Find' will filter the currently displayed charge code list according to the query and condition set by the Search Field and Criterion Dropdown.


The 'Costs' tab defines the behavior of activities and items under the selected service contract. This interface is quite simple and takes the form of a series of checkboxes to specifically allow or deny certain behaviors as detailed below.

iinsight default setting is applied above.

  • Save

Clicking 'Save' will permanently preserve any changes made to the Service Contract.

  • Use Standard List when an estimate exists

Allows or denies access to the standards list when an activity or item charge is being created if an estimate exists for the currently selected case.

  • Use the Charge Codes list when an estimate exists

Allows or denies access to the charge codes list when an activity or item charge is being created if an estimate exists for the currently selected case.

  • Use Plans/Programs List when a plan/estimate exists

Allows or denies manual changes by the user when an activity or item charge is being created if a plan exists for the currently selected case.

  • Change manually when a plan exists

Allows or denies access to the standards list when an activity or item charge is being created if a plan/estimate exists for the currently selected case.

  • Use Standard List when no plan exists

Allows or denies access to the standards list when an activity or item charge is being created if no plan/estimate exists for the currently selected case.

  • Use the Charge Codes list when no plan exists

Allows or denies access to the charge codes list when an activity or item charge is being created if no plan/estimate exists for the currently selected case.

  • Change manually when no plan exists

Allows or denies access to the standards list when an activity or item charge is being created if no plan/estimate exists for the currently selected case.


The 'Plans' tab contains simple functionality to explicitly define the behavior of both activities and items associated with the selected service contract when being added to a plan.

This behavior is defined through the interface controls explained below.

  • Save

Clicking 'Save' will permanently preserve any changes made to the Service Contract.

  • Use the standard charges list

Allows the user to select activity and item charges based on standards.

  • Use the Charge Code list

Allows the user to select activity and item charges based on the charge code list.

  • Only accept activity costs from the list (above)

Restricts the user to selecting activity and item charges from those associated with the selected service contract.

  • Do not allow activity costs to exceed the Plan/Program limit

Prevents the user assigning activity and item costs to a Plan/Program that would exceed its limit.

  • Do not allow service-based plan costs to be created outside of the date range

Prevents costs from being generated if the cost is not within the plan date range

  • Do not allow total sum-based plan costs to be created outside of the date range

Prevents costs from being generated if the cost is not within the plan date range


The 'Templates' tab allows the user to associate document and plan/program templates with the currently selected service contract which will be made available to users to serve as a basis for generating case documentation and estimates for any case associated with the selected service contract.

Within the templates interface, there are two tabs, which separate this functionality into templates servicing documents and templates servicing plans/estimates. The interface of both tabs is identical, however, plan templates originate from the plan templates that have been created and associated with cases currently associated with the selected service contract. Plan Templates cannot be created as exclusive to a service contract rather than being created as part of an existing case.

This is a simple interface, managed through the interface controls detailed below:

  • Add

Allows the user to specify one or more document templates to be added to the currently selected service contract.

  • Delete

Prompts the user for confirmation, before removing the currently selected document template from the currently selected service contract.

  • The Search Field

The search field is filled by the user in order to define the information based on which the document or estimate template list will be filtered.

  • The Criterion Dropdown.

The 'Criterion Drop-down' allows the user to define the condition based on which the document template or estimate list will be filtered when they search. For example, if this dropdown is set to 'Template Name', clicking 'Find' will filter the document or plan template list to only include those entries with a name that matches the text entered in the search field.

  • Find

Clicking 'Find' will filter the currently displayed document or estimate template list according to the query and condition set by the Search Field and Criterion Dropdown.


The 'Roles' tab allows roles to be enabled and set up for this service contract if required. Roles are optional and useful for allowing certain users access to cases, documents, and templates as defined.

The 'Roles Setup' tab allows documents, activity/items, and/or invoice templates to be assigned to specific roles.

  • Enable/Disable buttons

​There are two columns: 'Enabled' and 'Disabled', by selecting an item from the disabled list and clicking 'enable' will enable this role in iinsight when associated with this service contract.

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