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IINSIGHT 6.8.0 - Release Notes September 2023
IINSIGHT 6.8.0 - Release Notes September 2023
Updated over 10 months ago

We're excited to introduce iinsight® 6.8.0, specifically designed to bolster your data retention and deletion policies while maintaining robust data protection requirements.

With these updates, we've made it easier than ever to manage your data responsibly.

Addition of a Case Archival functionality allows for easier storage and restricted access to historical data, while an Automated Archival and Deletion Scheduling feature automates the maintenance process, ensuring that your archived and deleted cases align with your organisation's data protection policies.

Introduction of a Dependency Bypass, on both case archival and deletion enables more seamless removal of cases in instances where this may have historically been difficult, and a 30 day recovery period is available on deleted cases directly within the platform.

Last but not least, small improvements have been made the Case List UI, offering a more intuitive user experience and freeing up valuable space on smaller screens and mobile devices.

Please find more detailed information below on each of these elements and how make use of them today on your platform:

Case List UI Changes

Changes to the position of some of the Case List table buttons have been made in release 6.8.0 to improve the user experience and free up space on smaller screens and mobile devices.

The Case list View selection has been moved to the top right of the case list table:

And the Case list Export, Save View, Archive Case and Delete Case buttons are now available within the context menu to the right of the billing button:

Case Archival

Archiving cases allows you to keep all case information but also lock the file and removing from certain users views.

When it comes to Archiving cases there are a few methods available:

  • Manually archiving a single case immediately

  • Manually setting a scheduled archival date on a single case

  • Service Contract Automated Archival

Archived case files can also be Restored, and a list of all archived cases reviewed in the Admin > Archived/Deleted Cases area.

IMPORTANT: please note while new cost and invoices cannot be created on Archived cases, any outstanding invoices can still have payments logged against them if required.

Please find further information on each of these elements below.

Viewing Archived Cases In The Case List

The ability for a user to see Archived cases in the Case List, is controlled by the User Modify user permission "Can access Archived cases":

If this permission is enabled, a user will be able to see Archived cases (based upon their original case view settings).

If this permission is disabled, a user will not be able to see Archived cases (even if they are still assigned to the case file).

Archived cases can be identified in the Case List table (if a user has permission to see them), by the following:

  • "(ARCHIVED CASE)" next to the case name in at the top of the case list table

  • An "Archived" case icon in the St. columns of the case list table

  • An "Archival Date" which will show either the date a case was archived (if already archived), or the date a case is scheduled to be automatically archived in the future.

There is also a new Case List view to filter Archived cases only:

Manually archiving a single case immediately

For a user to manually archive a single case, they need to have the User Modify permission "Can Archive/Restore Cases" enabled:

If this is disabled, a user will not be able to manually archive a case.

To manually Archive a single case immediately, a user just needs to select the case in the case list table they wish to archive, and select Archive Case from the context menu in the case list:

This will then open a popup window asking the user to confirm that they wish to archive the case file:

Once confirmed, the case will be set to archived immediately, and the Archival Date will be set to the current date.

If there are any dependencies or rules that prevent archival of the case file (please refer to the section on Automated Archival / Deletion for more information on how these are set), a message will be displayed to the user outlining why the case cannot be archived.

If the case is still required to be archived it is still possible to do so, should a user have the permission to bypass dependencies. For more information on this please refer to our article on Dependency Bypass on Case Archival and Deletion.

Manually setting a scheduled archival date on a single case

A future / automated archival date can be set on a case, in the Case List > Settings tab under the Archival Date field:

For this to be able to be manually set, "Exclude case from Automated Archival/Deletion" must be enabled:

PLEASE NOTE: it is technically possible to disable this again after setting a Archival Date manually should you need the deletion date to be automated based on this, however this would be rare to do as the case is likely to have been excluded from this process deliberately in the first place if setting this date manually is required.

When the Archival Date is reached, the case will be archived by the platform.

Service Contract Automated Archival

It is possible to set Service Contract rules for Automated case Archival based on a number of different elements (e.g. 100 days after case closure).

For further information on this function please refer to our article on Automated Archival and Deletion Scheduling.

Monitoring cases archived and scheduled for archival

Archived cases, and cases Scheduled for Archival, can be monitored globally on the platform in the Admin > Archived/Deleted Cases area:

Access to this area is permission controlled, and a user must have the User View permission " " enabled to be able to view this area:

In this area a list of cases that are already Archived can be found in the Archived Cases tab:

The table in the Archived Cases tab contains information on how and when the case was archived (along with specific ID numbers).

Case files can also be Restored in this area. For more information on this please refer to the Restoring Archived Cases section of this article.

The table data for from the Archived Cases can be exported using the Export button at the top of the table:

Which will provide an Excel export to your Downloaded Reports area.

Cases Scheduled for Archival can be viewed in the Scheduled tab in this area. For more information on this function please refer to our article on Automated Archival and Deletion Scheduling.

Restoring Archived Cases

Cases can be restored from Archival in both the Case List area by selecting an Archived case and the Restore Archived Case in the case list context menu:

As well as in the Admin > Archived/Deleted Cases area under the Archived Cases tab, by selecting the case in the table and clicking the Restore button:

When restoring a case from Archival, you will be offered 2 options:

  • Create New Case

  • Restore Archived Case

If Create New Case is selected, the current archived case will be kept, and a new case file will be created based upon the existing archived file.

If Restore Archived Case is selected, the current archived case will be "un-archived", and set back to a live case status.

Automated Archival and Deletion Scheduling

Automated Archival and Deletion can be enabled and controlled at the Service Contract level, allowing you to set the specific requirements for your contract SLA's and data retention agreements.

The Automated settings can be controlled in the Charges > Service Contracts area:

...under the Archival/Deletion tab in the contract options:

Automated Archival Settings

Automated Case Archival can be controlled by the following settings:

Auto-Archive cases X days after closure if enabled will automatically Archive any case file X days after the case is closed.

Auto-Archive cases if "Status" is X for greater than X Days if enabled will automatically Archive any case file which has been assigned the status of X for more than X days.

IMPORTANT: please note this setting will only work with cases that have had the status set after this feature was released.

Do not allow case to be Archived if clients "Age" is less than X years if enabled will prevent a case file from being Archived if the clients Age (automatically calculated from the clients Date of Birth), is less than X years.

Do not allow case to be Archived if case status is not Closed if enabled will prevent a case file from being Archived if it has not been closed.

IMPORTANT: please note this setting cannot be enabled at the same time as "Auto-Archive cases if "Status" is X greater than X Days.

Do not allow case to be Archived if unbilled value is greater than $0, or there are unpaid/outstanding invoices if enabled will not allow a case to be Archived if the case has uninvoiced costs (excluding zero rated charges), or if there are unpaid/outstanding invoices on the case.

If the permissions/settings allow, the Archival Date on the case will be set based on the selected timescales and a countdown message will be displayed on the case in the Case List, when 30 days or less remain until Archival:

Automated Deletion Settings

Automated Case Deletion can be controlled by the following settings:

Auto-Delete cases X days after Archival if enabled will automatically Delete any case file X days after the case is Archived.

Auto-Delete cases X days after closure if enabled will automatically Delete any case file X days after the case is closed.

Auto-Delete cases if "Status" is X for greater than X Days if enabled will automatically Delete any case file which has been assigned the status of X for more than X days.

IMPORTANT: please note this setting will only work with cases that have had the status set after this feature was released.

Do not allow case to be Deleted if clients "Age" is less than X years if enabled will prevent a case file from being Deleted if the clients Age (automatically calculated from the clients Date of Birth), is less than X years.

Do not allow case to be Deleted if case status is not Closed if enabled will prevent a case file from being Deleted if it has not been closed.

IMPORTANT: please note this setting cannot be enabled at the same time as "Auto-Archive cases if "Status" is X greater than X Days.

Do not allow case to be Deleted if unbilled value is greater than $0, or there are unpaid/outstanding invoices if enabled will not allow a case to be Deleted if the case has uninvoiced costs (excluding zero rated charges), or if there are unpaid/outstanding invoices on the case.

If the permissions/settings allow, the Deletion Date on the case will be set based on the selected timescales and a countdown message will be displayed on the case in the Case List, when 30 days or less remain until Deletion:

Recalculating Archival/Deletion schedules

If changing your Service Contract Archival/Deletion settings, or setting for the first time, you can have the platform recalculate the scheduled Archival/Deletion dates on any existing cases by clicking the Apply to existing cases button at the top of the Archival/Deletion tab:

This will run through all current cases under the Service Contract and recalculate the Archival/Deletion dates based on the new settings applied.

If this is not performed, any existing cases already scheduled will stay at the current dates applied based on the historical contract settings.

Global platform overview of cases scheduled for Archival/Deletion

Global monitoring of Cases scheduled for both Archival and Deletion can be found in the Admin > Archived/Deleted Cases under the Scheduled tab:

Cases can be removed from the schedule, by selecting the case in the table, and clicking the Remove button at the top of the table:

The table data for from the Scheduled tab can be exported using the Export button at the top of the table:

Which will provide an Excel export to your Downloaded Reports area.

Excluding Cases from Auto-Archival/Deletion

Cases can be excluded from the Auto-Archival/Deletion rules if required by enabling the "Exclude case from Automated Archival/Deletion" setting in the Case List > Settings tab:

Monitoring Cases which have Failed scheduled Archival/Deletion

Should a case fail to be able to be automatically Archived or Deleted (due to Service Contract rules / settings previously outlined above), a message will be shown at the top of the case list outlining the reason the case could not be deleted / archived:

In addition, these cases will be listed in the Failed tab of the Admin > Archived/Deleted Cases area:

All cases that have failed the Automated Archival/Deletion will have the "Exclude case from Automated Archival/Deletion" setting in the Case List > Settings tab automatically enabled and will require manual corrections or Archival/Deletion:

Dependency Bypass on Case Archival and Deletion

Should it be required, the Service Contract Archival/Deletion restrictions, as well as other case dependencies (e.g. active tasks, uninvoiced costs etc.), can be bypassed to allow a case to be Archived or Deleted anyway.

For a user to be able to perform this action they will need to have the User Modify permission "Can bypass dependency rules for case Archival/Deletion" enabled:

When a user has this permission enabled, when performing a manual Archival/Deleted the warning message is shown outlining why a case cannot be Archived or Deleted will have an option to Proceed Anyway:

If the user selects this option, they will be asked to confirm they wish to proceed and enter their user password as a form of validation to perform this action:

Recovering Deleted Cases (within 30 days)

Deleted cases can be recovered within 30 days of deletion, in the Admin > Archived/Deleted Cases area, under the Deleted Cases tab.

To recover a deleted case, all a user needs to do is select the deleted case in the table, and click the Recover button:

IMPORTANT: if a case has been deleted for more than 30 days it cannot be recovered.

This will recover the case file, and set it back to what ever status it was prior to deletion.

The recovered case will however be automatically omitted from future Automated Archival/Deletion:

If required this can be changed and the "Exclude case from Automated Archival/Deletion" setting disabled in the Case List > Settings tab on the case.

Maintaining Financial & Contact Information on Case Deletion

If top level financial/contact information is required to still be kept on case deletion, this can be set in the Options > Financial Settings area, by enabling the "Keep Financial and Contact information after case Deletion" setting in the General tab:

This will mean that all top level costs and accounts data is maintained (billing line items, invoices, payments etc.), however all other case data will be deleted (notes, cost details, field information etc.), and the reference to the accounts kept will be anonymised with the Case Number and Claim Number being the only case level information maintained for reference.

IMPORTANT: please note if you have the Xero Connector enabled on your platform, this setting will be enabled by default and cannot be disabled as long as the Xero Connector is active.

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