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Non-attendance Reports
Updated over 8 months ago

Some IINSIGHT users intend to decrease the number of not-attended sessions. Trying to look at billing by billing and then identifying common characteristics in these not attended sessions might be an extremely time-consuming task. To help users find where to diminish the not attended rates, a new report has been added to IINSIGHT showing not attended rates optionally per Bill To, Service Contract, or Referrer as examples.

This new report shows the numbers of attended billings and not attended billings within a given date range and calculates the not attended rate. With this report, users can see from which aspects they will need to implement a strategy to reduce not attended rates.

The report displays data including:

  • What types of referrals are coming through and how many Attended/Not Attended sessions that each type have (Grouped by “Status prior to referral”)

  • Numbers of Attended/Not Attended sessions each Referrer and/or Referral company has.

  • Numbers of Attended/Not Attended sessions each Bill To and/or Bill To company has

  • Numbers of Attended/Not Attended sessions each Service Contract has.

To access the new Non-Attendance Report in iinsight. You require permission in the Admin/Manage Users/User View tab as shown below:

Then when you have the required permission, please go to the Reports Menu/Non-Attendance Report to select the required criteria:

Please see below a screenshot example after the Non-Attendance Report is built:

The attendance calculation is performed using the attendance charge code setting. Before running this report for the first time, iinsight administrators need to set up this setting in the charges/charge code table as shown below:

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